By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Daily Show Blasts Ben Carson For Shooting Comments, Election 2016, Republican Logic, The Daily Show, Trevor Noah blasts Ben Carson, Videos
Controversy, Election 2016, Mass Shootings, Republican Logic, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Videos

The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah joined the long list of individuals expressing outrage over Dr. Ben Carson‘s comments about the recent shooting at a community college in Oregon that left nine victims dead and nine others injured before the shooter allegedly killed himself. Tuesday’s episode blasted Carson for doubling down on his condemnatory remarks about […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz bullies witness over climate change, Ted Cruz denies climate change, Ted Cruz denies global warming, Ted Cruz Repeatedly Bully Sierra Club President Over Climate Change, The Environment, The Tea Party, Videos
Climate/Nature, Environment, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party, Videos

Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) repeatedly bullied the president of the Sierra Club regarding climate change. The Republican presidential hopeful attempted to corner Sierra Club President Aaron Mair during a Tuesday hearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. As EcoWatch reports, It’s painful to watch this Senate hearing as Senator and GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz […]
By Samuel Warde on
activists, anti-abortion, reproductive rights, The Daily Show, The Daily Show anti-abortion advocates not so pro-life after all, The Daily Show takes on anti-abortion, Trevor Noah, Trevor Noah anti-abortion movement not pro-life, Trevor Noah anti-choice not pro-life after all, Videos, Women's issues
Activism, Reproductive Rights, Videos, Women's Issues

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah took on the pro-life movement on Monday, proposing that anti-abortion advocates like Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush channel their pro-life rhetoric into another vital issue: gun control. Noah began by pointing out the great success the anti-choice movement has seen in “restricting access to abortion using methods such as […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Is Fighting Back With Benghazi Ad
Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Videos

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is fighting back against Republicans with a new campaign ad slamming Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s comments that the Benghazi Committee was formed solely to destroy Clinton in the polls. The video begins with a voice-over and on-screen graphic statings: “The Republicans finally admit it. The ad then uses a voice-over of Andrea […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Democrats Release Devastating Video And Fact Sheet On Benghazi Chair Trey Gowdy, House Democrats Slam Trey Gowdy, Republican, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy Called Out As Liar by Democrats, Videos
Congress, Congressional Hearings, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Scandals, Smackdowns, Videos

On Tuesday, Democrats on the Select Committee on Benghazi released a new video and fact sheet rebutting claims made by Chairman Trey Gowdy that the Committee is not focused on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The new video and fact sheet come after Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy admitted on national television that the […]