
Sarah Palin Rants About Ted Cruz – Is America Listening or Laughing?

Sarah Palin Rants About Ted Cruz – Is America Listening or Laughing?

Tea Party darling Sarah Palin has been voicing her support for Senator Ted Cruz’s effort to defund Obamacare, but is anyone listening? Let us know in the comments below if you are listening, laughing or simply ignoring her. In an exclusive Op-Ed published by, Palin wrote last Friday: If the Senate doesn’t get behind […]

The First Honest Marijuana PSA

The First Honest Marijuana PSA

A Public Service Announcement about Marijuana Laws. Even though the recreational use of Marijuana seems quite harmless, it is still considered a criminal offense in most states. It is time for sensible Marijuana reform. Legalize it! SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF THOSE FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE