By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Global Warming, Pope Francis, Pope Francis addresses Climate change at White House, Pope Francis on Climate Change, Pope Francis Urges America to Save the Planet, Videos
Climate/Nature, Environment, Religion, Speeches, Videos

Pope Francis has effectively bridged the gap between science and religion with his recent encyclical1 on the environment. As he puts it, a shift in our moral understanding is key to winning the fight against climate change. As we reported last month, the Pope’s views on the environment and climate change have been made quite […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Election 2016, Videos, Women's issues
Activism, Election 2016, Videos, Women's Issues

Donald Trump’s campaign record is one rife with bigotry and ignorance with a healthy dose of misogyny tossed in….. In an attempt to unravel the mystery of why any woman might support the Republican front-runner’s campaign, Women in the World hit the streets to find out what women think about Trump in his hometown. As […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Election 2016, Stephen Colbert, Videos
Election 2016, Humor, Videos

Stephen Colbert mocked Donald Trump about his plans to build the Great Wall of Mexico, President Obama‘s birthplace, and anti-Muslim comments, but all-in-all the Tuesday night The Late Show interview was a collaborative effort. Although Colbert didn’t hold back any punches during his monologue, he seemed rather passive during the interview – pitching softball questions […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Stephen Colbert, Ted Cruz, Videos
Election 2016, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, The Tea Party, Videos

Ted Cruz was smacked with a healthy dose of reality during his Monday appearance on Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show.” Colbert began by ripping Cruz over the ideological divide between Ronald Reagan and Cruz’s own political beliefs. “Let me ask about Reagan for a second,” Colbert began, adding: “Reagan raised taxes, okay. Reagan actually had an […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Maher, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Humor, Videos
Election 2016, Humor, Videos

Bill Maher took on Donald Trump‘s massive ego during Friday’s edition of “Real Time with Bill Maher.” Maher started the segment by discussing Trump’s recent claim that “The Art of the Deal” is one of the greatest books of all time – second to the Bible. This claim, however, puts Trump “into this pickle where […]