
Caught In Lies – Michele Bachmann Tries To Flee CNN Reporter (VIDEO)

Caught In Lies – Michele Bachmann Tries To Flee CNN Reporter (VIDEO)

Michele Bachmann tried to run away from CNN reporter Dana Bash who was attempting to question her about her unsubstantiated comments made about President Obama at the recent CPAC meeting. Bachmann had claimed at CPAC that there is an official presidential dog walker, the White House has five chefs working 24/7 and two full-time movie […]

High School Shooter Appears In Court Wearing ‘KILLER’ Shirt Curses Victim’s Families (VIDEO)

High School Shooter Appears In Court Wearing ‘KILLER’ Shirt Curses Victim’s Families (VIDEO)

T.J. Lane the Chardon High School gunman appeared in court this Tuesday for sentencing wearing a t-shirt with the word “KILLER” written in marker across it. You might recall Lane is the gunman who killed two teenagers and wounded three others at Chardon High School, just east of Cleveland, back on February 27, 2012. As […]

Westboro Baptist Church Neighbor House Painted Rainbow For Gay Pride (VIDEO)

Westboro Baptist Church Neighbor House Painted Rainbow For Gay Pride (VIDEO)

The Westboro Baptist Church is in for a big surprise as Aaron Jackson, one of the founders of Planting Peace, a multi-pronged charity, purchased a house across the street from their headquarters in Topeka, Kansas and painted it rainbow colors today. Jackson decided to paint the house the rainbow colors of the gay flag as […]

Jeb Bush On His Immigration Flip-Flops, George Bush’s Legacy And Reporters As ‘Crack Addicts’ (VIDEO)

Jeb Bush On His Immigration Flip-Flops, George Bush’s Legacy And Reporters As ‘Crack Addicts’ (VIDEO)

Jeb Bush made the talk show circuit this past weekend promoting his new book, “Immigration Wars.” Bush talked to David Gregory on “Meet the Press” about his recent flip-flop on immigration, George W. Bush’s legacy and when asked about ““Who’s the hottest Florida politician right now? Is it you or Marco Rubio?” Bush replied “Man, […]