By Samuel Warde on
Bill Maher, Humor, Videos
Healthcare, Videos

Back in March of 2010, Bill Maher took on the subject of the Democrats victory in passing ObamaCare. Maher noted that Democrats should adopt a tougher attitude in their dealing with Republicans: “Shut the fuck up while I slap your face for making noise — now pass a cap-and-trade law, you stupid bitch, and repeat […]
By Samuel Warde on

Gabriel Over the White House is an American Pre-Code film released in 1933 at the height of the desperation of the Great Depression. Released by MGM, the movie was adapted from the novel Rinehard by Thomas Frederic Tweed and received financial backing and creative input by William Randolph Hearst. The plot is as follows: “In 1933, at […]
By Samuel Warde on
Humor, Satire, Videos
Humor, Videos

“America’s Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers, selflessly releases yet another Super PAC ad for the GOP. They’re welcome!” The script, voices and video by Andrew Bradley for BettyBowers.Com. ___________________________________________ For more fun, see Biblical marriage made easy for conservatives Sarah Palin Wins “Worst Mother in America” Award Betty Bowers Explains Abortion Join the Party with Mrs. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, Videos

On Thursday night, Jon Stewart mocked all the controversy surrounding the recent anti-Romney ad by Priorities USA Action. Noting all the controversy surrounding the ad, Stewart notes that Priorites USA should have been more direct with their message by saying “Mitt Romney gives wives cancer.” Stewart also ridiculed the recent “Romney Hood” pun by President Obama and Romney’s […]
By Samuel Warde on
favorite online smack downs, favorite youtube smack downs, Flashback Friday, Henry Rollins of California punk rock band Black Flag, Henry Rollins takes on Ann Coulter, Humor, open letter to ann coulter, Open Letters, promoting liberal causes, Videos
Flashback Friday, Humor, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Right Wing Hatred, Videos

“I want you to be my window-washing, … obsequious, submissive concubine-domestic. But mostly, Ann, you will just shut the f–k up.” ~ Henry Rollins Henry Rollins is an American spoken word artist, writer, journalist, publisher, actor, radio DJ, activist and former singer-songwriter. Many of you may remember him as the front man for the California […]