By Samuel Warde on
Bruce Jenner, LGBT Issues, tweets, Videos
Controversy, LGBT Issues, Twitter, Videos

InTouch's Bruce Jenner Photoshop job was all kinds of weird — Page Six (@PageSix) January 15, 2015 Controversy rages over the tabloid InTouch Weekly‘s cover shot of Bruce Jenner, that was poorly Photoshopped to make him look like a woman, under the headline, “My Life as a Woman.” “The reaction on social […]
By Samuel Warde on
Dashcam, Police Overreach, Police Shooting, video
Civil Rights, Law & Order, Police Overreach, Videos, Viral Videos

An emotional dashcam video shows a Billings, Montana, police officer wailing and pounding his fist on the hood of a police car, saying he thought the suspect was going to pull a gun on him. The emotional dash-cam video shows Officer Grant Morrison shooting at suspect Richard Ramirez from outside the car then in tears […]
By Samuel Warde on
Charlie Hebdo, Islam, Militants, Terrorism
Religion, Terrorism, Videos, World News

Post by Dar al-Iftaa in Egypt. Egypt’s official Religious Edict Authority, known as Dar El Ifta, has warned Charlie Hebdo against publishing its new issue, featuring a cartoon image of the Prophet Muhammad on its cover. Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical weekly magazine has been the target of two attacks by suspected Islamist militants, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bernie Sanders, Climate change, Global Warming, Keystone Pipeline, Science Denial, Speeches, Videos
Climate/Nature, Speeches, Videos

Bernie Sanders tore into Congress last week during debate about the Keystone Pipeline, telling Senators “when we reject science, we become the laughing stocks of the world.” As a Senate panel took up a proposal last week to build a controversial oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, Sen. Bernie Sanders warned that […]
By Samuel Warde on
Videos, Weird News
Human Interest, Videos, Weird News

NBC’s Today Show reports that a private school in Missouri retouched school I.D. photos to make girls look “slimmer, eliminate freckles and recolor lips, among other changes. One student said her ID picture did not look anything like her, and the photo company says the retouching happened by accident.” One teenaged girl, Zoe Royer, took […]