By Kimberley Johnson on
2016, Democratic victory, GOP, Republibans
Elections, Politics, Videos

One Texas Republican makes a dire forecast for Republicans in 2016. He even says that those screaming about Benghazi are “idiots.” The 2014 midterms were not as successful as the GOP talking heads at the FOX Entertainment Complex would have you believe. There was no mandate. The majority of Americans stayed home. That isn’t great […]
By Samuel Warde on
Al Franken, Net Neutrality, Obamacare for the Internet, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, Videos
Arts & Sciences, Right-Wing Myths, Smackdowns, Videos

Ted Cruz got totally destroyed on Facebook last week – and by conservatives nonetheless – for a ridiculous post he made regarding net neutrality and the end of civilization as we know or – or some such nonsense. In keeping with that stomping, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) took to the airwaves on Sunday to destroy […]
By Samuel Warde on
Garth Brooks, Human Interest, Teresa Shaw, The Dance by Garth Brooks, Videos
Human Interest, Videos

A moment from last Friday’s Garth Brooks concert in Minneapolis went viral after the singer stopped mid-performance to honor a fan whose sign caught his attention. The sign, held up by Teresa Shaw, read: “Chemo this morning, Garth tonight. Enjoy the dance.” Shortly thereafter an usher came and directed Shaw to the front of the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, GMOs, greed, Monsanto, Rendition, Torture, Videos
Climate/Nature, Controversy, Environment, Foreign Policy, History, Scandals, Videos, Weird News

Mercenaries, former CIA and black ops agents battling it out with a ragtag group of civilian activists on the behalf of an evil multinational corporation hellbent on mutating private citizens in the name of corporate profits…. Sounds a bit like a Hollywood production doesn’t it? Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger’s latest movie? If we could only be […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Technology, The Internet, trolls, Videos
Arts & Sciences, Technology, Videos

Climate Desk presents an interesting exploration of internet trolls and their impact on perception. For those unfamiliar with Climate Desk, according to their website, The Climate Desk is a journalistic collaboration dedicated to exploring the impact—human, environmental, economic, political—of a changing climate. The partners are The Atlantic, Center for Investigative Reporting, The Guardian, Grist, The […]