Sarah Palin

Search results for Sarah Palin

Hilarious Mitt Romney Jokes

Hilarious Mitt Romney Jokes

“A new biography came out that says that in high school Obama was a huge pothead.  Mitt Romney had to respond to this and said, ‘It is appalling that Obama spent his teenage years goofing around and smoking pot when he should have been pinning down gay kids and cutting their hair.” –Bill Maher “Apparently […]

Let’s Rock: 30 Hits Done Teapublican Style

Let’s Rock: 30 Hits Done Teapublican Style

Let’s Rock, the Rock-n-Roll inspired album includes 30 of your favorite classic hits redone in never before offered recording by today’s least favorite Teapublicans. Sit back and enjoy, Mitt Romney as he tries to sing Flip-Flopping Away to the musical stylings of Paul Simon. Newt Gingrich & the Ex-Wives perform Three Times A Husband, inspired by the […]

25 Stupid Quotes by Conservatives

25 Stupid Quotes by Conservatives

Here is a list of some of the more stupid quotes by conservatives and Republicans, in no particular order.  The list is in no way comprehensive, and of course multiple new gaffs are occuring even as I write this.  I hope you enjoy…….. 1. “The only way to reduce the number of nuclear weapons is to […]

Republican Jokes & Late Night Tea Party Humor

Republican Jokes & Late Night Tea Party Humor

”I do miss George Bush. Compared to these teabaggers and the people who are pandering to them, he looks like a professor.”  — Bill Maher ”Republican voters have been reduced to using the same criteria as a 4 a.m. barroom pickup: he has a pulse and no visible cold sores.”  — Stephen Colbert ”Yesterday, of […]

12 Signs you might be a member of the Tea Party

12 Signs you might be a member of the Tea Party

1.  You think Minimum Wage created unemployment: “If we took away the minimum wage-if conceivably it was gone-we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.” —Michele Bachmann 2. You believe gay marriage is a threat to national security: ”Isn’t that the ultimate homeland security, […]