Jimmy Carter

Search results for Jimmy Carter

There’s No Lie Too Small, No Abuse Too Petty To Be Overlooked By Trump

There’s No Lie Too Small, No Abuse Too Petty To Be Overlooked By Trump

When it comes to self-promotion and deception, there seems no limit as Trump seeks to gain financially from today’s visit with the Prime Minister of Japan. Mother Jones reported earlier this year that: “No president in modern history has run roughshod over the laws, guidelines, and norms of running an ethical and transparent administration like Donald […]

Kim Jong-un Makes Trump Look Like A Complete Fool Without Lifting A Finger

Kim Jong-un Makes Trump Look Like A Complete Fool Without Lifting A Finger

If Trump actually meets with Kim Jong-Un later this spring, it will become one of the most remarkable and unexpected pieces of political theater in diplomatic history – but little does Trump know that he has just been played. While it’s hard to ever know what is on someone’s mind, a quick review of known […]

War Ignites Between The Trump White House And Former Presidents George W. And George HW Bush

War Ignites Between The Trump White House And Former Presidents George W. And George HW Bush

The White House strikes back at both Bush presidents after they made stinging comments about Trump in a new book about the father and son. A war of words erupted Saturday in the wake of a New York Times article about historian Mark Updegrove’s new book, titled “The Last Republicans: Inside the Extraordinary Relationship Between George […]

Americans Always Answer The Call – Video

Americans Always Answer The Call – Video

All 5 living ex-presidents are teaming up to raise money for victims of Hurricane Harvey. All five leaders – former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama –  have come together in a video to support relief and recovery efforts in the wake of the devastation left behind by […]

Trump Shows Us, Once Again, That He Is A Coward

Trump Shows Us, Once Again, That He Is A Coward

As it turns out, for all his bluster and bullying, Trump is nothing but a coward The word “narcissist” had been tossed around lot as a possible explanation for Trump’s oft-time erratic behaviors. Indeed, Vanity Fair published an article in 2015 titled: “Is Donald Trump Actually A Narcissist? Therapists Weigh In!“ Wendy Terrie Behary, the […]

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