Barack Obama

Obama Smacks Down Republicans Over Keystone Pipeline During #SOTU – VIDEO

Obama Smacks Down Republicans Over Keystone Pipeline During #SOTU – VIDEO

President Obama smacked down Republicans over their unbridled support for what they are now calling the “Keystone Pipeline JOBS BILL” during last night’s State of the Union Speech. Speaking about the economy, jobs and infrastructure, Obama bashed the Republicans over the project, stating: Twenty-first century businesses need 21st century infrastructure — modern ports, and stronger […]

Obama’s Epic Ad-Libbed Burn On Republicans – #‎IWonBothOfThem (VIDEO)

Obama’s Epic Ad-Libbed Burn On Republicans – #‎IWonBothOfThem (VIDEO)

President Obama went off-script with an epic ad-libbed burn to Republicans during his State of the Union address Tuesday night, earning him a standing ovation from several members of Congress. The President’s original remarks, as prepared for delivery were: I have no more campaigns to run. My only agenda for the next two years is […]

You Had 8 Years Obama – Where’s The FEMA Camps, Sharia Law, Suspension of the Constitution?

You Had 8 Years Obama – Where’s The FEMA Camps, Sharia Law, Suspension of the Constitution?

Obama failed to live up to conservative predictions and expectations, making him one of the greatest presidents of our time – unlike the present occupant of the Oval Office.  As the nation shakes its head in disbelief at our Tweeter-in-Chief – our national embarrassment,  it is fitting to consider the failure of former-President Barack Obama […]

Obama Calls For 7-Days Sick Leave Per Year

Obama Calls For 7-Days Sick Leave Per Year

  White House Unveils New Steps to Strengthen Working Families Across America Thursday, the President unveiedl new proposals to strengthen the middle class by giving working families the flexibility to balance their families and jobs and giving all Americans the opportunity to earn sick days.  Building on the steps the Administration announced last year during […]

4 Ways You Can Counter Conservative Whining About The Paris Solidarity Rally

4 Ways You Can Counter Conservative Whining About The Paris Solidarity Rally

Add snubbing the French to the ever-expanding list of impeachable offenses conservatives are attempting to use against Obama in the court of public opinion. And we all know how much Republicans love the French, like the time the House of Representatives cafeterias switched the name of French Fries to FREEDOM Fries as part of a […]

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