By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Ben Carson I tried to stab someone, Ben Carson tried to stab someone, Ben Carson was violent but now I have changed, Election 2016, Interviews, Videos, Viral Videos
Election 2016, Interviews, Videos, Weird News

Ben Carson: “I was violent, but I’ve changed.” Ben Carson told NBC News’ Chuck Todd that despite his soft-spoken persona he used to have a quick temper that led to violent outbursts. “As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Ben Carson needs to get a clue, Election 2016, Open Letters, Opinion, Rants. Smackdowns, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics
Election 2016, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Smackdowns

Ben Carson’s words about the Holocaust (it could have been avoided if Jews had been armed) are so ridiculous, they do not deserve a rebuttal. But you know me. I gotta. So, here’s a quick one. The Russians successfully fought off the Nazis. But not before losing — and I googled this — 11 million […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Controversy, Election 2016, GQ Blasts Ben Carson With Racy Headline, gun control, Weird News
Controversy, Election 2016, Weird News

There is no doubt what GQ thought about him entering politics after they posted an article headlined “F*ck Ben Carson” – but without the asterisk. At the height of the primary season international monthly men’s magazine GQ (formerly Gentlemen’s Quarterly) published an article blasting Ben Carson. Carson is currently Trump’s Housing Secretary, but the primary […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Daily Show Blasts Ben Carson For Shooting Comments, Election 2016, Republican Logic, The Daily Show, Trevor Noah blasts Ben Carson, Videos
Controversy, Election 2016, Mass Shootings, Republican Logic, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Videos

The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah joined the long list of individuals expressing outrage over Dr. Ben Carsonās comments about the recent shooting at a community college in Oregon that left nine victims dead and nine others injured before the shooter allegedly killed himself. Tuesday’s episode blasted Carson for doubling down on his condemnatory remarks about […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Daughter of Sandy Hook Victim Enraged By Ben Carson Remarks, Election 2016, gun control, Mass Shootings, Republican Logic, Republicans, Sandy Hook, Sandy Hook Victim's Daughter Outraged By Ben Carson Remarks
Election 2016, Gun Control, Mass Shootings, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

The daughter of a Sandy Hook victim is joining the long list of individuals expressing outrage over Dr. Ben Carson‘s comments about the recent shooting at a community college in Oregon that left nine victims dead and nine others injured before the shooter allegedly killed himself. The outspoken Republican presidential hopeful told “Fox and Friends” […]