By Samuel Warde on
America's future is innovation, Bill Gates, Bill Gates on Creating Jobs, competing for global economic leadership, creating jobs, economic prosperity, government funding for world-class research institutions, government investment in innovation creates high paying jobs, highest economic growth, increasing investments in high-tech innovation and research, innovation and productivity, innovation helps the poor creates jobs cures diseases, Interviews, Investing in Technology, making limited and targeted investments to lay a foundation for America's entrepreneurs, producing new technologies through government funded research, research and innovation lead to job creation
Activism, Jobs

Bill Gates has a simple way for the next president to create jobs. The presidential campaigns are in full swing with all the candidates promising to boost the economy and create jobs, but according to a recent essay by Bill Gates, “the primaries are more focused on personalities than policy.” Described by Business Insider as […]
By Samuel Warde on
Habitat for Humanity, Human Interest, Interviews, Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter I feel fine, Jimmy Carter keeps busy despite cancer, Jimmy Carter Looks Great Sounds Great Keeps Busy Despite Cancer, Videos
Housing, Human Interest, Interviews, Videos

Jimmy Carter says he “feels fine,” and continues keeping busy despite his current cancer treatments. NBC News reports that “Jimmy Carter resumed his role as Habitat for Humanity’s most prominent booster on Monday, donning a white hard hat and a worn leather belt stocked with his own tools to hammer and saw with other volunteers […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Ben Carson I tried to stab someone, Ben Carson tried to stab someone, Ben Carson was violent but now I have changed, Election 2016, Interviews, Videos, Viral Videos
Election 2016, Interviews, Videos, Weird News

Ben Carson: “I was violent, but I’ve changed.” Ben Carson told NBC News’ Chuck Todd that despite his soft-spoken persona he used to have a quick temper that led to violent outbursts. “As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Moyers, Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren interview, Elizabeth Warren Senator Clinton Chose Wall Street over families, Hillary Clinton, Interviews, Videos, Wall Street Lenders
Hillary Clinton, Interviews, Videos

SUMMARY: The video, below, comes from a 2004 Bill Moyers interview with then Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren. The two were discussing efforts by Wall Street lenders to pressure lawmakers into passing stringent laws making it more difficult for individuals to file bankruptcy. In the course of the interview, Warren told a story contrasting how First […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Election 2016, Interviews, Norman Lear, Videos
Election 2016, Entertainment, Interviews, Videos

Legendary television producer Norman Lear calls Donald Trump “excessively assholian,” says his popularity represents America’s “middle finger” to establishment politics. Jeanne Wolf of Hollywood Blog interviewed Lear, the producer of other hit sitcoms such as Good Times, Maude, One Day at a Time, Sanford and Son, and The Jeffersons. In a reference to Lear’s sitcom, […]