By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Bigotry in America, Institutional Racism in American Politics, Right Wing Myths
Barack Obama, Bigotry, Conservatives, History, Presidential History, Quotes, Racial Issues

Trump supporters complain that no politician in history has been treated worse or more unfairly than he has. Yet, a quick review of the attacks on Obama tell a completely different story. “No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.” ~ Trump presenting the commencement speech at […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Bigotry in America, Institutional Racism in American Politics, Right Wing Myths
Barack Obama, Bigotry, Presidential History, Racial Issues

Trump is fond of complaining that no politician in history has been treated worse or more unfairly than he has. Yet, a quick review of the attacks on Obama tell a completely different story. “No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.” ~ Trump presenting […]
By Samuel Warde on
african-americans a political based racism, Barack Obama, Bigotry in America, Institutional Racism in American Politics, not all conservative Republicans are racists, Racism, Racism in America today, Racism is alive and well in the GOP, Racism within the Republican Party, republicans say the darndest things, Right Wing Myths, Right-Wing Racism, The Tea Party, White Supremacists in America
Barack Obama, Bigotry, Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies

Proof positive that Republicans are racist when it comes to their treatment of President Obama, the first African-American president in history. There is no doubt that many Republicans are racist when it comes to President Obama. The president has been forced to endure racism, hatred and malicious lies and rumors like no other American president. […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
african-americans a political based racism, Bigotry in America, Institutional Racism in American Politics, not all conservative Republicans are racists, Racism in America today, Racism is alive and well in the GOP, Racism within the Republican Party, republicans say the darndest things, White Supremacists in America
Bigotry, Discrimination, Politics, Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred

Republicans say the darndest things… You’re a smart person, so you know that not all conservative Republicans are racists. Okay. Now, with that out of the way, let’s take a walk down White Supremacy Lane and review some of the more blatant racist comments and actions made by right-wingers. Of course, there will be some […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
a distinguished career in public service, arguing in defense of homosexuals in the military, Bigotry in America, Bigotry in Congress, bigotry in the military, gays in the military, homophobia, in defense of the country, LGBT right in america
Bernie Sanders, gay rights, LGBT Issues, Military

A 1995 C-SPAN video shows Bernie Sanders arguing in defense of homosexuals in the military. More than two decades ago a heated exchange happened on the House floor involving then Representative Bernie Sanders and former Representative Randall “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA) over homosexuals in the military. The exchange originally aired on C-SPAN in 1995. Cunningham was criticizing Democrats, and in […]