
NY Magazine Drops A Thermonuclear Bomb: Trump May Have Been Working For Putin For Decades

NY Magazine Drops A Thermonuclear Bomb: Trump May Have Been Working For Putin For Decades

New York Magazine dropped a major bomb with the publication of an article making the case that Trump has been acting as a Russian asset since 1987. At nearly 8000 words, the New York Magazine article is far too long to cover here, but we will cover a few highlights and would strongly encourage you to […]

Bombshell Article: ‘What If Trump Has Been A Russian Asset Since 1987?’

Bombshell Article: ‘What If Trump Has Been A Russian Asset Since 1987?’

Former criminal investigator and attorney Seth Abramson lends credibility to new theory regarding the possible extent of Trump’s involvement with Russia. New York Magazine dropped a major bombshell over the weekend with the publication of an article making the case that Trump has been acting as a Russian asset since 1987. Coming in at nearly […]

Twitter Responds After Georgia GOP Head Threatens Delta Air Lines For Cutting Ties With The NRA

Twitter Responds After Georgia GOP Head Threatens Delta Air Lines For Cutting Ties With The NRA

Georgia’s Republican lieutenant governor threatened to prevent Delta Air Lines from getting a lucrative tax cut unless they reactivate their discount program for members of the NRA. Reuters reported over the weekend that: “Delta Air Lines and United Airlines on Saturday became the latest major corporations to sever marketing ties with the National Rifle Association […]