By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, Obstructing Justice, Political Commentary, Political Strategist, Republican Logic, Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt, Republican-Led Witch Hunters, Seth Abramson, witch hunt
Congress, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Conservatives, Conspiracy Theories, Republican Logic, Republicans

Seth Abramson and Steve Schmidt teamed up this week to shred GOP efforts to protect Trump. True, there is a witch hunt happening but it’s not being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller – it originates in the GOP. Salon reported about this week’s disgraceful grilling of FBI agent Peter Strzok by House Republicans: The […]
By Samuel Warde on
Christopher Wray, Congressional Investigations, conservatives, house judiciary committee, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Russia investigation, Russia Scandal, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Treason, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy High CrimesCongress
Abuse of Power, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Conspiracy Theories, Corruption, Law & Order

Trey Gowdy removed any doubt of his hypocrisy this week while questioning Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. There were no holds barred when Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and his fellow Republicans were going after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. Trey Gowdy and many of those same Republicans are now trying to obstruct or […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, debunking conservative lies, Debunking Lies, Debunking Right-Wing Propaganda, Fact Check, fact-checking conservative lies, Propaganda, Right Wing lies, Right-Wing Myths
Conservatives, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Fact-Checking Lies, Republican Logic, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Propaganda

One of the surest ways or enraging conservatives is through debunking right wing lies, particularly the ones most commonly seen on Facebook, Twitter and beyond. Be sure to sprinkle these around and let us know some other great lies you want us to debunk in our next Debunking Right Wing Lies segment. 1. The United […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, Deadline White House, George Will, GOP Strategists, Mike Pence, Political Brown-nosing, Republican Logic, Republican Operatives, Slobbering Servility, Steve Schmidt
Activism, Conservatives, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Smackdowns
Pence gets shredded for the second time in as many days. This time by GOP Strategist Steve Schmidt. Vice President Mike Pence found himself the target of a couple of angry conservatives twice last week. Conservative commentator and former Fox News contributor George Will was the first to blast Pence in a Wednesday opinion piece […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
conservatives, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan’s 1984 Speech, Trump
Republican Hypocrisy, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

The mere mention of President Ronald Reagan gets modern conservatives and many supporters of Donald Trump all tingly in their naughty parts. Conservatives, who praise Reagan as if he were a conservagod, often overlook the former President’s core message of tolerance. (Kind of like the way they cherry-pick the Bible to suit their hatred and fear […]