By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton cracks up over Ben Carson lies, Hillary Clinton starts laughing when asked about the absurdity of Ben Carson's campaign, Jimmy Kimmel, Videos
Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Humor, Interviews, Videos

Hillary Clinton starts laughing when asked about the absurdity of Ben Carson’s campaign. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton momentarily lost it, cracking up at the absurdity of some of Ben Carson‘s recent lies during an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Friday night. Carson, the Republican front-runner, has come under increased media scrutiny for his many exaggerations […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton's Epic Response To Third Republican Debate, Repubican Logic, Twitter
Debates, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Twitter

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took to Twitter last night, giving an epic response to the third Republican debate. Republican hopefuls weren’t holding anything back when it came to talking about Hillary Clinton during last night’s debate. Chris Christie led the pack, characterizing Clinton as a pessimist, adding: “you put me on that stage against […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Moyers, Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren interview, Elizabeth Warren Senator Clinton Chose Wall Street over families, Hillary Clinton, Interviews, Videos, Wall Street Lenders
Hillary Clinton, Interviews, Videos

SUMMARY: The video, below, comes from a 2004 Bill Moyers interview with then Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren. The two were discussing efforts by Wall Street lenders to pressure lawmakers into passing stringent laws making it more difficult for individuals to file bankruptcy. In the course of the interview, Warren told a story contrasting how First […]
By Samuel Warde on
A 12-Year-Old Feminist Wrote A Letter To Hillary Clinton That Will Melt Your Heart, Election 2016, equal rights, equality, feminism, Hillary Clinton, Women's issues
Election 2016, Equal Rights, Feminism, Hillary Clinton

Meet Olivia: a 12-year-old feminist who wants to grow up in a world where women are treated equally. Olivia wrote a letter to her favorite politician that will melt your heart: Dear Hillary Clinton, My name is Olivia *** and I am 12-years-old. I have two dad’s named *** and ***. I also have a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Benghazi Hearings, Hillary Clinton, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy's Damning Admission, Videos
Congressional Hearings, Controversy, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

Trey Gowdy made a startling and damning admission to reporters questioning him after Hillary Clinton’s testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Speaking with reporters after Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s eleven-hour testimony, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was was stumped when asked what new information was gathered. “Uh,” he said. “I think some of Jimmy […]