By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Charleston Shooting, Interviews, Jim Crow, Racial Issues, Racism, Tragedies, Videos
Barack Obama, Controversy, Discrimination, Gun Control, Interviews, Racial Issues, Videos

President Obama used the N-word during an interview to help make his case that the United States has not overcome its history or racism. The President discussed the debate over race and guns in the wake of the racially motivated shooting death of nine black church members in Charleston last week. “The legacy of slavery, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Foreign Policy, Interviews, Iraq, Rand Paul, Saddam Hussein, Videos, War
Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, Interviews, Videos, War

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul (KY) is hammering former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (FL) for telling Fox News’ Megyn Kelly that he would have invaded Iraq in 2003 like his brother did, even knowing what he knows now. Speaking to The Associated Press, Paul said that it is “a real problem if he can’t […]
By Samuel Warde on
Interviews, Iraq War, Jon Stewart, Judith Miller, The Iraq War, Videos, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Defense, Foreign Policy, History, Interviews, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns, Videos

Jon Stewart grilled noted New York Times reporter Judith Miller on Wednesday for her coverage of the “alleged” weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that led up to the war there. Stewart began The Daily Show interview reminding Miller that “my feeling has always been – and you probably know this about me – is […]
By Samuel Warde on
Human Interest, Inspirational, Interviews, LGBT Issues, Transgender Issues, Videos
Human Interest, Interviews, LGBT Issues, Videos

When Mimi and Joe Lemay’s baby was born in 2010, they heard the three words every parent waits to hear: “It’s a girl.” But by age two, their child Mia (now Jacob) was saying “I’m a boy.” Mimi hoped this “obsession with being a boy would go away,” but it only grew stronger. Now, in […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Climate Change Denial, Interviews, Jerry Brown, Science Denial, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, Videos
Climate/Nature, Interviews, Republican Logic, Smackdowns, The Tea Party, Videos

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) told NBC’s Chuck Todd that Sen. Ted Cruz’s views on climate change make him “absolutely unfit to be running” for the office of president. Discussing California’s dwindling water supply and issues surrounding climate change, Todd played a clip of Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaking to Seth Meyers: SETH […]