By Kimberley Johnson on
Donald Trump, LGBT, LGBTQ, San Francisco, San Francisco Defies Donald Trump, San Francisco Sanctuary City
Civil Rights, Climate/Nature, LGBT Issues, Women's Issues

San Francisco is one of the most liberal cities in the nation and it sent a powerful, defiant message to Donald Trump. Last month, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors issued a warning to president-elect Donald Trump by passing a resolution reaffirming the city’s commitment to the rights and values of the LBGTQ community, protecting healthcare, women’s rights, […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
coming out, coming out of the closet, gay, gay rights., God Loves Gays, God Loves Us All, homosexuals, LGBT, LGBT Community, LGBT interests, LGBT Issues, tolerance
Discrimination, gay rights, Human Interest, LGBT Issues

My father asked me if I was gay. I said, “Does it really matter? My good friend Steve is gay. We’ve known each other since 1990, and I consider him to be part of my family. He is one of the sweetest, funniest, smartest, and warmest friends I have. He always has a shoulder for […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Caitlyn Cannon, feminism, LGBT
Feminism, LGBT Issues, Women's Issues

Caitlyn Cannon’s Twitter bio reads: Headed to NYC . Feminist. Really gay. | Class of 2015 | OHHS | Always. | Twitter user @casualnosebleed tweeted a photo of Cannon’s yearbook picture, including her feminist quote, and the Internet exploded. There’s already over 6 thousand retweets and over 9 thousand shares. The quote reads: “I need feminism because […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Christians, LGBT, tolerance
Discrimination, LGBT Issues, Religion, Religious Intolerance

Imagine growing up in an evangelical Christian household, and imagine how it might feel to realize you’re gay. For many teenagers, that realization is terrifying. They fear they will be rejected by their families and communities. The sad truth is that many homosexuals are rejected by their families because of their sexual orientation. Matthew Vines […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
LGBT, marriage equality, Ted Cruz
gay marriage, gay rights, Politics

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was questioned by reporters about the Islamic State’s treatment of gay people Tuesday. Cruz put on his best “Look how sincere I am” campaign face, and asked, “is there something about the left — and I am going to put the media in this category — that is obsessed […]