By Samuel Warde on
Bribery, Bribes, Corruption, Ethics in Washington, Financial Disclosure forms, Giuliani Boxes in the President, Hush Money Payments, Mike Pence, Presidential Pardons, Rudy Giuliani
25th Amendment, Corruption, False Claims, Impeachment

It appears that Rudy Giuliani has left Trump no choice but to hope that Mike Pence opts to pull a Gerald Ford and save his ass from a potentially long prison term. The concept of synchronicity, first introduced by the noted Swiss psychiatrist and analytical psychologist, Carl Jung, holds that events are “meaningful coincidences” if […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, Deadline White House, George Will, GOP Strategists, Mike Pence, Political Brown-nosing, Republican Logic, Republican Operatives, Slobbering Servility, Steve Schmidt
Activism, Conservatives, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Smackdowns
Pence gets shredded for the second time in as many days. This time by GOP Strategist Steve Schmidt. Vice President Mike Pence found himself the target of a couple of angry conservatives twice last week. Conservative commentator and former Fox News contributor George Will was the first to blast Pence in a Wednesday opinion piece […]
By Samuel Warde on
Adultery, Adultery Criminalized, Christian Evangelical Hypocrisy, Christian hypocrisy, Extra-marital Affairs, Family Values, Focus On The family, Mike Pence, Should Adultery Be A Crime, The Seventh Commandment, The Ten Commandments

1997 video from “The Mike Pence Show” is making the rounds on Twitter, demonstrating his full-blown hypocrisy regarding adultery. Think Progress published an illuminating article about Mike Pence in mid-July 2016 at the height of the presidential campaign and amid mounting allegations of inappropriate contact by running mate Trump and numerous women. The article called […]
By Samuel Warde on
conspiracy, Criminal Implications, Criminal Obstruction, Michael Flynn, Michael Flynn Jr, Mike Flynn, Mike Flynn Jr, Mike Pence, Obstruction of Justice, perjury
Law & Order, Right Wing Lies, Russia Investigation

Michael Flynn’s son went on a Twitter-tirade and managed to incriminate both Trump and Mike Pence in obstruction of justice. Monday morning, Michael Flynn Jr., the son of Trump’s former national security adviser, launched an unabashed twitter-tirade. He started the day tweeting: “American Patriot @GenFlynn did not lie to Pence (or anyone else in the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Christian Discrimination, Christian hypocrisy, Christians battle LGBT community, George Takei, Indiana, LGBT Issues, LGBT rights, Mike Pence, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Freedom Restoration, Smackdowns
Activism, LGBT Issues, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, States Issues

George Takei scored a major victory for LGBT rights in Indiana after he went to war with then Gov. Mike Pence. March 2015 then Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed into law the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA) in a private ceremony. ThinkProgress reported at the time that “Proponents of this bill had openly admitted […]