New Yorker Magazine Humor

The New Yorker Delivers 5 Hilarious Knockout Blows To Trump In Less Than A Week

The New Yorker Delivers 5 Hilarious Knockout Blows To Trump In Less Than A Week

The New Yorker columnist Andy Borowitz delivers the perfect response to Trump’s week from hell.  The White House appears to be in tatters in the wake of the release of excerpts from Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear, Trump in the White House,” the publication of an anonymous opinion piece by The New York Times detailing resistance efforts within the Trump […]

The New Yorker Delivers 4 Knockout Punches To Trump This Week

The New Yorker Delivers 4 Knockout Punches To Trump This Week

Hellfire rains down on Trump this week as The New Yorker sets its sights on his lawless regime. Controversy has surrounded Trump this week regarding a variety of issues – to include his selection of Brett M. Kavanaugh as his nominee to replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on the Supreme Court, his escalating trade war […]

The New Yorker Perfectly Trolls Trump

The New Yorker Perfectly Trolls Trump

The New Yorker columnist Andy Borowitz delivered the perfect response to the possibility of Trump being impeached.  All hell has broken loose with team Trump as Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation closes in on Trump and his family and associates accomplices. Then there is the issue of reports from close friends of Trump’s former personal attorney, […]

The New Yorker Trolls ‘Medical Mysteries’ Paul Ryan And Mitch McConnell

The New Yorker Trolls ‘Medical Mysteries’ Paul Ryan And Mitch McConnell

The New Yorker columnist Andy Borowitz delivered the perfect response to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell’s apparent fear of answering reporters’ questions.  All hell has broken loose within ranks of the leadership of the Republican Party in the wake of the endless stream of controversies and legal sagas surrounding the Trump administration and the GOP’s inability […]