By Samuel Warde on
American College of Physicians, Doctors anti-gun violence, Doctors not Anti-Gun, Firearms Regulations, Gun Regulations, Legal Firearms, national rifle association, NRA, Preventing Firearms Deaths, Preventing Firearms Injuries, Reasonable Gun Safety regulations
Firearms, Gun Control, Human Interest, Legal Issues, Medicine, NRA

The response was swift, furious, and viral when the NRA told doctors to mind their own business. Background The Annals of Internal Medicine, an academic journal published by the American College of Physicians (ACP), published a position paper in October 2018 discussing the need to reduce firearm injuries and deaths in the United States.[1] The position […]
By Samuel Warde on
Common-sense gun laws, gun violence, Holding Do-nothing Politicians accountable, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel blasts do-nothing Republicans, NRA, Powerful Gun Lobby, Preventing Mass Shootings, school shootings
Do-Nothing Republicans, Firearms, Gun Control, Gun lovers, NRA, Republican Indifference, Republicans, Smackdowns

Jimmy Kimmel is speaking out about politicians afraid to do anything when it comes to preventing gun violence. Kimmel took time out from his usual Friday night monologue to address the tragic school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas that left 10 people dead and 10 wounded. “We had another school shooting today, this time in […]
By Samuel Warde on
background checks, Chuck Schumer, Common Sense Gun Restrictions, Gun Control Legislation, It takes a good guy with a gun, Mass Shootings, national rifle association, New Gun Laws, NRA, Reasonable Gun Restrictions, school shootings, Wayne LaPierre
Gun Control, NRA, Smackdowns, Uncategorized

Chuck Schumer fires back after Wayne LaPierre accused Democrats of exploiting the tragic Parkland shooting during a speech. Democratic Senate Minority Leader of New York didn’t hold back what he thought of a speech presented by Wayne LaPierre at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday. LaPierre, best known for his role as the Executive Vice […]
By Samuel Warde on
Mass Shootings, National Mental Health Registry, NRA, Obama Rule
Conservatives, Gun Control, Law & Order

Trump Hypocrisy Hits An All-Time Low – This Time With Life-Threatening Consequences As NBC News reported, about half of the people killed in the Texas church shooting were children. Twenty-six people were shot dead during the Sunday massacre at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, a small, tight-knit town about 30 miles outside of San Antonio. […]
By Samuel Warde on
John Fugelsang, Keeping America Safe, Loving Jesus while opposing the Westboro Baptist Church, national rifle association, NRA, Opposing the NRA, right to bear arms, Second Amendment, Weapons-grade guns civilians, Westboro Baptist Church
Gun Control, Videos

“Loving the Second Amendment while opposing the NRA is every bit as natural as loving Jesus while opposing Westboro Baptist Church.” ~John Fugelsang Gun control takes center stage in the wake of yet another mass shooting. Maybe you’re someone who, like the majority of Americans, supports the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms, but you […]