
The Chilling Tactics Of Anti-Choice Activists

The Chilling Tactics Of Anti-Choice Activists

The lunatics at the ultra-conservative WorldNetDaily (WND) are at it again, this time spreading lies and faux-outrage regarding acts of violence perpetrated against those ever-peaceful pro-life protesters in an article is entitled “Bull’s-eye! Violence Stalks Pro-life Protesters: Attack numbers tell story that shocks activists,” and let me tell you – I, too, was shocked at […]

Pregnant Woman Blasts Anti-Choicers Outside Of Abortion Clinic (VIDEO)

Pregnant Woman Blasts Anti-Choicers Outside Of Abortion Clinic (VIDEO)

Anti-choice abortion protestors were standing outside of an abortion clinic in London and they appeared to be recording and harassing the women who were going in and out of the building. As Labour List reports: “Unlike the US, Canada or France, Britain does not offer legal protection to women’s health services from anti-abortion activists.” A group called Abort67 […]