By Samuel Warde on
Assault Rifles, Assault Weapon Makers, Bad Publicity devastates gun industry, Boycotts, Firearms Industry Boycotts, Firearms Industry Profits, Gun Industry, Profits over Lives, school shootings
Controversy, Firearms, Gun Control, School Shootings

It would appear that those #NeverAgain teens and other anti-gun violence activists are affecting assault weapon manufacturers’ bottom lines. It appears that at least one gun manufacturer is feeling the heat from the #NeverAgain movement in the wake of the tragic Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida last February in which 17 people […]
By Samuel Warde on
Common-sense gun laws, gun violence, Holding Do-nothing Politicians accountable, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel blasts do-nothing Republicans, NRA, Powerful Gun Lobby, Preventing Mass Shootings, school shootings
Do-Nothing Republicans, Firearms, Gun Control, Gun lovers, NRA, Republican Indifference, Republicans, Smackdowns

Jimmy Kimmel is speaking out about politicians afraid to do anything when it comes to preventing gun violence. Kimmel took time out from his usual Friday night monologue to address the tragic school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas that left 10 people dead and 10 wounded. “We had another school shooting today, this time in […]
By Samuel Warde on
March for Our Lives, March For Our Lives Movement, Preventing School Shootings, Reasonable Gun Restrictions, Save Our Children, Saving School Children, school shootings, Student Activists, Teen Activists, Tomi Lahren
Activism, Gun Control, Gun lovers, Human Interest, Human Rights

Tomi Lahren got destroyed this weekend after making a complete fool of herself on Twitter. Self-proclaimed “constitutional conservative” Tomi Lahren has been extremely vocal regarding her pro-gun stance since the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where seventeen people were killed and an additional seventeen wounded on February 14, […]
By Samuel Warde on
background checks, Chuck Schumer, Common Sense Gun Restrictions, Gun Control Legislation, It takes a good guy with a gun, Mass Shootings, national rifle association, New Gun Laws, NRA, Reasonable Gun Restrictions, school shootings, Wayne LaPierre
Gun Control, NRA, Smackdowns, Uncategorized

Chuck Schumer fires back after Wayne LaPierre accused Democrats of exploiting the tragic Parkland shooting during a speech. Democratic Senate Minority Leader of New York didn’t hold back what he thought of a speech presented by Wayne LaPierre at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday. LaPierre, best known for his role as the Executive Vice […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, background checks, Dear America, Grieving Families, Gun violence in America, Mass Shootings, NRA Sanctions Shootings, Open Letter To America, Reasonable Gun Laws, Saving America from Guns, school shootings, Taking Action Against NRA
Gun Control, Human Interest, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

“My family does not want your hopes and prayers. We want your action. Join us in fighting the NRA… Join us in supporting leaders who will bravely fight for our children’s lives.” Outraged, the aunt of 14-year-old victim of the Florida shooter is demanding Americans stand up and push back against politicians unwilling to enact […]