By Samuel Warde on
Big Oil Companies Deny Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Global Warming, Global Warming Impacts Shorelines, Protecting shorelines from Climate Change, Science Denial
Climate/Nature, Energy

In an ironic twist, big oil companies are reversing their decades long denial that climate change is real when their factories and refineries are threatened by its effects. The Guardian reported earlier this summer on the effects of climate change: The year 2018 is on track to be theĀ fourth warmest on record, beaten only by […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Conservative Website Blasts Ben Carson, Election 2016, Forbes blasts Ben Carson for pyramid lies, Right Wing Fanatics, Science Denial, Science Deniers
Arts & Sciences, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Election 2016, Religious Fanaticism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths

Another epic failure by Ben Carson as he gets slammed by Forbes for his deliberate ignorance and decades-long practice of telling lies. Noted conservative website, Forbes, blasted Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson for lying for decades about the creation of the ancient Egyptian pyramids after he affirmed his 1998 statement that he believes the Egyptian […]
By Samuel Warde on
climate, Climate change, Global Warming, RICO Act, Science Denial, The Environment
Climate/Nature, Environment

A group of scientists is circulating a letter asking the Obama administration to prosecute those skeptical of the reality of man-made climate change. The scientists are part of a non-profit organization called The Institute of Global Environment and Society. For those unfamiliar with this organization: The Institute of Global Environment and Society, Inc. (IGES) – […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Climate Change Denial, Interviews, Jerry Brown, Science Denial, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, Videos
Climate/Nature, Interviews, Republican Logic, Smackdowns, The Tea Party, Videos

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) told NBC’s Chuck Todd that Sen. Ted Cruz’s views on climate change make him “absolutely unfit to be running” for the office of president. Discussing California’s dwindling water supply and issues surrounding climate change, Todd played a clip of Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaking to Seth Meyers: SETH […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bernie Sanders, Climate change, Global Warming, Keystone Pipeline, Science Denial, Speeches, Videos
Climate/Nature, Speeches, Videos

Bernie Sanders tore into Congress last week during debate about the Keystone Pipeline, telling Senators “when we reject science, we become the laughing stocks of the world.” As a Senate panel took up a proposal last week to build a controversial oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, Sen. Bernie Sanders warned that […]