By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz bullies witness over climate change, Ted Cruz denies climate change, Ted Cruz denies global warming, Ted Cruz Repeatedly Bully Sierra Club President Over Climate Change, The Environment, The Tea Party, Videos
Climate/Nature, Environment, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party, Videos

Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) repeatedly bullied the president of the Sierra Club regarding climate change. The Republican presidential hopeful attempted to corner Sierra Club President Aaron Mair during a Tuesday hearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. As EcoWatch reports, It’s painful to watch this Senate hearing as Senator and GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Election 2016, marco rubio, Stephen Jenkins Third Eye blind slams Marco rubio about man-made climate change, The Environment, Third Eye Blind Frontman Schools Marco Rubio on Climate Science, Third Eye Blind Singer Teaches Marco Rubio About Climate change science, Videos
Climate/Nature, Election 2016, Environment, Interviews, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

The Third Eye Blind frontman Stephan Jenkins recently sat down with Rolling Stone to discuss the second Republican debate and has a message for Marco Rubio concerning the reality of climate change, telling Rubio that it’s real, is caused by human activity and admonishing the Republican presidential hopeful that he has “no excuse” for not […]
By Samuel Warde on
climate, Climate change, Global Warming, RICO Act, Science Denial, The Environment
Climate/Nature, Environment

A group of scientists is circulating a letter asking the Obama administration to prosecute those skeptical of the reality of man-made climate change. The scientists are part of a non-profit organization called The Institute of Global Environment and Society. For those unfamiliar with this organization: The Institute of Global Environment and Society, Inc. (IGES) – […]
By Samuel Warde on
activists, Climate change, Ted Cruz, The Environment, Videos
Activism, Climate/Nature, Election 2016, Environment, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz launched a ridiculous attack on science and academia after being cornered by climate change activists while in campaigning in New Hampshire over the weekend. The Dallas Morning News reports that “Cruz worked the cavernous dining room” at a Seabrook restaurant, Brown’s Lobster Pound, for more than an hour as “part […]
By Samuel Warde on
ALEC, Climate change, Flip Flops, Flip-Flop, Global Warming, Republicans, The Environment
Climate/Nature, Politics, Republican Logic, Right Wing Lies

Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’ It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’ ~ Bob Dylan, The […]