By Kimberley Johnson on
Dick Cheney, Right Wing Fanatics, Tom Cotton, Tom Cotton Pushed For Dick Cheney For House Speaker, Traitors, War
Congress, Controversy, Defense, Homeland Security, Politics, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, War

Republican Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) told Politico he would like to see war monger Dick Cheney as the next Speaker of the House. And of course, Tom Cotton, the junior senator from Arkansas, needs no introduction. In case you’ve been off the grid, he’s the traitor who authored that letter to the Iranian leadership in an […]
By Samuel Warde on
#DiplomacyNotWar, #GOPLovesWar, #NoWarWithIran, Tom Cotton, Treason, Videos, War
Defense, Foreign Policy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Videos, War

Senator Tom Cotton met privately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss their opposition to the international nuclear agreement with Iran. Cotton has been one of the most outspoken critics of the agreement and signaled that he will side with Netanyahu over Obama on this issue. While that may seem innocuous enough, this statement […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Human Rights, Indiana, LGBT Community, Tom Cotton
Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Right Wing Hatred, Right-Wing Myths

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) recently appeared on CNN and urged critics of Indiana’s religious “freedom” law to get a “perspective” and then he did what every Republican does to deflect the issue – he suggested that we compare the United States to Iran and then we’ll all see just how great we have it in […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
CODEPINK, Iran Letter, Tom Cotton
Activism, Republicans, Uncategorized, Videos

“Today CODEPINK attended a Congressional event in Washington D.C. about national defense where Senator Tom Cotton was the keynote speaker. Dressed as Colonial Revolutionaries and carrying Constitutions, CODEPINK disrupted Senator Cotton’s speech with an open letter to him signed by over 5,000 Americans. The letter is a response to Cotton’s open letter to the government […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Foreign Policy, Iran, Republicans, Tom Cotton
Extremists, Foreign Policy, Republican Logic, Republicans

Dear Republicans, Recently, while on the Senate floor, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) expressed concern about the United States interfering with foreign negotiations. I believe he used the word “worrisome’ to describe State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki’s statement to reporters that when it comes to the U.S. policy towards Israel, “We’re currently evaluating our approach.” Worrisome? Huh? […]