By Samuel Warde on
Activism, American Torture Program, Black Ops, CIA Torture, Gina Haspel, Senate Intelligence Committee, Torture, War Crimes
Activism, Torture

A video has been released of a former CIA operative being dragged out of Gina Haspel’s confirmation hearing and wrestled to the ground for protesting torture. Former CIA officer and whistle-blower Ray McGovern was forcibly removed from Gina Haspel’s Senate confirmation hearing and violently injured by police for protesting Trump’s pick to head the CIA. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Basic Human Rights, Black Ops, Black Sites, Extraordinary Interrogation, Geneva Convention Violations, Homeland Security versus basid human rights, Human Rights, Interrogation Techniques, Secret Prisons, Torture
Homeland Security, Human Interest, Human Rights

Trump vowed during his campaign to bring back outlawed interrogation techniques like waterboarding and “much worse,” and his new pick to head the CIA has a troubling history of overseeing these inhumane practices. America’s debate over the use of torture took front stage in the wake of Trump’s nomination of Gina Haspel to head the CIA. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ethics, Human Interest, Morality, Religion, Torture, Weird News
Controversy, Defense, Religion, Weird News

Maybe they will finally get their wish once Donald Trump assumes office. Over two-thirds of Christians in the United States support the torture of terrorist suspects according to a poll from last year. The poll, conducted by The Washington Post shortly after the 2015 release of the CIA torture report, asked participants: Q: Looking ahead, […]
By Samuel Warde on
CIA, CIA Torture, Fox News, Hillary Clinton, Torture, Videos
Defense, Fox News, Videos

Retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel and frequent Fox News guest Lt. Col. Ralph Peters had strong words about Hillary Clinton during a Monday interview with Sean Hannity. The two were discussing the pending CIA Torture report and Peters claimed that CIA officers “deserve medals” not reprimands in the following exchange: PETERS: My bottom line […]
By Samuel Warde on
Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, GMOs, greed, Monsanto, Rendition, Torture, Videos
Climate/Nature, Controversy, Environment, Foreign Policy, History, Scandals, Videos, Weird News

Mercenaries, former CIA and black ops agents battling it out with a ragtag group of civilian activists on the behalf of an evil multinational corporation hellbent on mutating private citizens in the name of corporate profits…. Sounds a bit like a Hollywood production doesn’t it? Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger’s latest movie? If we could only be […]