
‘A Day Without A Woman’ General Strike Set For March 8 

‘A Day Without A Woman’ General Strike Set For March 8 

  The activists who organized the women’s March on Washington have set the date for a general strike against Donald Trump’s presidency: International Women’s Day,  Wednesday, March 8, 2017. In the spirit of women and their allies coming together for love and liberation, we offer A Day Without A Woman. #WomensMarch — Women's March (@womensmarch) […]

Dear Kellyanne Conway: Stress Of Lying Can Kill You 

Dear Kellyanne Conway: Stress Of Lying Can Kill You 

For years, you’ve worked the pundit circuit like a pro, and you’ve parlayed what you’ve learned into defending an incompetent puppet with really bad hair. You are the Queen of Spin. I’ve never seen anything like it. Someone — anyone — can point out the obvious, and you’ll pivot and dispute it with a sense of calm […]

Trump Threatens To ‘Destroy’ Senator’s Career To Help A Texas Sheriff 

Trump Threatens To ‘Destroy’ Senator’s Career To Help A Texas Sheriff 

Donald Trump offered to destroy the career of a senator who proposed a bill he didn’t like. On Tuesday morning, Donald Trump met with U.S. Sheriffs. Rockwall County, Texas Sheriff Harold Eavenson told Trump about a state senator who introduced a bill which would limit state’s laws on asset forfeiture. Trump responded with, “Who is the state senator? […]

Trump White House Dress Code: Women Must ‘Dress Like Women’   

Trump White House Dress Code: Women Must ‘Dress Like Women’   

Women ordered to dress like women – Trump’s White House dress code Aside from grabbing women by the genitals, having a psychotic meltdown if his wife doesn’t have dinner waiting for him the second he gets home from work, and judging women’s appearances by assigning them numerical value, Trump also believes that women who work for him should “dress like […]

Former Bush Staffer Blasts Trump On Behalf Of Republican Women, They Will Be Celebrating His Loss ‘All Over The Country’ – Video

Former Bush Staffer Blasts Trump On Behalf Of Republican Women, They Will Be Celebrating His Loss ‘All Over The Country’ – Video

The former Communications Director for Pres. George W. Bush blasted Donald Trump and his campaign Tuesday night on behalf of women and minorities… Nicolle Wallace, former White House Communications and Chief Political Analyst for MSNBC, blasted Donald Trump last night in the wake of controversy surrounding former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s vicious attack on Fox […]