By Samuel Warde on
Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, Terrorism, Weird News, World News
Extremists, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, National Security, Weird News, World News

On May 20, 2015, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a sizeable tranche of documents recovered during the raid on the compound used to hide Usama bin Ladin. The release, which followed a rigorous interagency review, aligns with the President’s call for increased transparency–consistent with national security prerogatives–and the 2014 Intelligence […]
By Samuel Warde on
Anne Hidalgo, Fox News, Fox News Lies, Paris Mayor, Videos, World News
Fox News, Interviews, Videos, World News

In a new interview with CNN International’s Hala Gorani, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said she’s “still angry” with Fox News over its reports on her city’s supposed Muslim “no-go zones,” confirming that the lawsuit against the network she vowed to pursue will be moving forward. “It’s done,” said Hidalgo of the legal action against Fox […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benjamin Netanyahu, Charlie Hebdo Hebdo, Videos, World News
World News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a lesson about French nationalism and solidarity while visiting a Paris synagogue this week. Netanyahu angered many in France’s Jewish community after remarks he made last Saturday in the wake of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo last week that killed 12 people. Attempting to use the attack by […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Paris Solidarity March, Twitter, World News
Barack Obama, Controversy, Foreign Policy, World News

Add snubbing the French to the ever-expanding list of impeachable offenses conservatives are attempting to use against Obama in the court of public opinion. And we all know how much Republicans love the French, like the time the House of Representatives cafeterias switched the name of French Fries to FREEDOM Fries as part of a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Maher, Charlie Hebdo, Free Speech, Monologues, Radical Islam, Terrorism, Videos, World News
Humor, Monologues, Terrorism, Videos, World News

Bill Maher talked about Charlie Hebdo, free speech and radical Islam during Friday night’s edition of “Real Time with Bill Maher. “ Maher began his monologue by asking the audience “hey, who’s ready for a little free speech in America, what do you say?” He went on to note that if there was a theme […]