Texas GOP Lawmaker Says Obama Thinks He’s God & Can Alter The Weather (VIDEO)


aaarom3Republican State Sen. Dan Patrick suggested President Barack Obama believes he is God and can control weather patterns.

Patrick is running for lieutenant governor and in a debate in Texas on Tuesday with current Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, an audience member asked him if he supported Obama’s plan to spend $1.2 billion to change the weather and fight global warming. “Is that possible?” the man asked. “How much money would you be willing to spend to cool the environment by 1 degree, which is about all we can do?”

Patrick promised that “zero dollars” would be spent – referencing the 2015 budget set aside to prepare for climate change next year. The audience cheered.

He said “I understand why Obama thinks he can change the weather — because he thinks he’s God. He thinks he is the smartest person in the country. He thinks he knows better in Washington what we do in Texas. He thinks he’s the one, through all of his executive orders, that Congress isn’t even up to his level, so I’m not surprised that he also thinks he can change the weather.”

Surprisingly, no funds were set aside to conquer the impossible task of altering weather patterns. Funds were set aside calling for better enforcement of current environmental regulations and stricter fuel efficiency standards, but altering weather patterns? No.

“First of all, when it comes to climate change, there’s been scientific arguments on both sides of the issues,” Patrick said. “But you know, if you want a tiebreaker, if Al Gore thinks it’s right, you know it’s wrong.”

Patrick said Gore cared about the climate change only because he made money from talking about it.

“Climate change, if you let the Democrats and the liberals enact their programs, it will destroy jobs in this country and it will destroy our economy,” Patrick said as the crowd murmured in agreement. “I’ll leave it in the hands of God. He’s handled out climate pretty well for a long time.”

In this hour long debate, Patrick also referred to Wendy Davis as the Abortion Queen – but that’s a whole other can of worms.

You can watch him  ay that Obama thinks he’s God around the 2:05 minute mark via KDHnews.com.

Kimberley-SM Kimberley A. Johnson (BIO) is the author of The Virgin Diaries and an activist for women’s rights. Like her on Facebook, Twitter or follow her on FB HERE.


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