My name is Kimberley. I am an American feminist and I AM ANGRY!!! ANGRY! PISSED! MAD AS HELL!!!
And for good reason. Not only do I wake up every day to some egregious headline about how Republicans are f*cking women (and not in the fun way), but liberals are pissing me off too! I’ll get to that in a minute.
First, I want to highlight Republican bullsh*t.
The conservative, activist Supreme Court decided corporations are not only people, but they can deny women certain forms of birth control by saying they “believe” that birth control causes abortions. It’s a lie. Yet it f*cking passed! F*CK YOU AMERICAN WOMEN! Men can get Viagra. But women? Suck it!
Grandfatherly Mike Huckabee, who is as exciting as wet, white bread, has always been GOP but no one seemed to give a sh*t about his mumblings – UNTIL he decided to join The Misogyny Crew and start referring to women as whores. He said in January to the delight of his own (emphasis mine):
“Because the fact is, the Republicans don’t have a war on women. They have a war FOR women. For them to be empowered; to be something other than victims of their gender. Women I know are outraged that Democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless and hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have a government provide for them birth control medication. Women I know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything anyone else can do. Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That’s not a war ON them, it’s a war FOR them. And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it, let’s take that discussion all across America because women are far more than Democrats have made them to be. And women across America have to stand up and say, Enough of that nonsense.”
You know what Huckabee? F*CK YOU!
Republicans want to abolish and ban all abortion clinics – despite the right to choose an abortion is FEDERAL LAW! And despite the fact women will always have abortions no matter if they are legal or not. We all KNOW the GOP would squeal like stuck pigs if anyone imposed strict and unnecessary regulations on their precious gun stores – they would go Bundy Ranch style batsh*it crazy.
The hypocrisy coming from the right-wing is extreme, and the most unbelievable thing about all of it is they are in THE F*CKING MINORITY. There are more progressives. People want common sense gun laws, they want reproductive choice and they don’t want some stodgy, uptight white congressmen calling them whores.
So why I am I pissed at liberals? Because we LOVE to argue amongst ourselves. We are all so f*cking smart and we all know a better way then the next liberal. We do have a tendency to believe our way of thinking is superior than the other guy or gal, and what winds up happening is we don’t f*cking vote because we’re sooo bored. And look what f*cking happens when we don’t vote?
Ted Cruz
Mitch McConnell
Michele Bachmann
Paul Ryan…to name a few. Just a few.
And then there’s the potato salad. The f*cking potato salad that raised $55k on a Kickstarter campaign. Hey, that’s f*cking GREAT for them and I don’t begrudge them their winnings…we all love potato salad. It’s yummy.
But what about women’s RIGHTS? A campaign to raise money for the only rally for women in Washington D.C. on September 13th on the west lawn of the Capitol Building hasn’t raised enough to pay for all we need to make the rally as great as it can and should be. Rallies are expensive and we want to provide places to go to the bathroom and other unpopular necessities that will make everyone’s experience a comfortable one. Many people have expressed interest in attending the rally. They are coming from all over the United States. But when a post goes up asking for help, um…it’s like you have been asked to donate your entire savings, right arm and first born!
Mabey you can get excited that teen activist Madison Kimrey is a speaker. I will also be speaking (no profanity in my speech) and I get introduce Madison!!!!
I know money is tight. But POTATO SALAD RAISED $55k! POTATO SALAD!
Check out this GOP FAILS WOMEN scorecard if you have been out of the country or not paying attention.
Are you angry yet? Do you want to see MORE Republicans win seats this November??? I am betting you DO NOT! They make for great blog post rants, but get sick or try to get a job in a GOP run America, and you’re SCREWED.
We Are Woman needs you for two things. One costs NOTHING.
Pledge to vote. HERE. These pledges will be HAND DELIVIRED to Congress 0n September 12, 2014 by ERA Action and We Are Woman. Many people (men and women – but mostly women) are going to be walking the halls of Congress, delivering pledges and letting legislators know we DEMAND ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and we will be VOTING! Pledging is free and we need more pledges. We can’t walk in there with less than 10 thousand signatures. If we do, even Huckabee will laugh at us.
And this link is where you can donate to the rally: DONATE. ANY donation is welcomed, appreciated and frankly, I am begging you. Because POTATO SALAD! Maybe you have already donated – thank you!!!! Maybe you are really broke – don’t worry about it. You can still pledge to vote and you can share this profanity bomb article. Just please do something.
Republicans are counting on YOU DOING NOTHING. Are you going to give them what they want? Do you like being calling a whore?
Thank you for reading. (and I know, I know…I used a lot of f*cking profanity.) I figured I’d better get my fill if liberals don’t vote in the November midterms, because if Republicans take over the Senate and keep the House, they will probably make it illegal for women to swear and I will be up sh*t creek.
And last – a message from the Reformed Whores about the rally.
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Kimberley A. Johnson (BIO) is the author of AMERICAN WOMAN The Poll Dance: Women and Voting & The Virgin Diaries and an activist for women’s rights. Like her on Facebook, Twitter or follow her on FB HERE. |
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