Men’s Rights Activist: Women And Their Vaginas Ruined The Workplace (VIDEO)


Paul Elam is the founder of A Voice For Men (AVFM). The Southern Poverty Law Center has classified AVFM as a misogyny group. Elam was a guest on “ManStream Media” and claimed that women have ruined the workplace and have ended the possibility of humanity ever doing anything “excellent” again.

Elam and the host provided examples as to why men are superior and women just come in and ruin everything:

“There’s just a different way that men do things with each other,” Elam said, “and it results in excellence. In civilization. In the aqueducts being built. To people landing on the moon and cures being found to disease.

“I’m sorry, ladies, but if we want society to advance, we need to leave men alone to do their work — to do their thing and be with each other to get things done. Because that’s how it works.”

Host and therapist Tom Golden chimed in, “We’ve eliminated that from this country, and we’re paying the price for it. We are no longer excellent, and I think that can be attributed to the lack of male space.

“The workplace, for instance. It’s incredible how men in the workplace used to just get on each other — they’d harass each other, basically. But women came into the workplace, and they said, ‘Wait, you can’t do what you’ve done for years! You’ve got to be nice at work!’”

“‘Hi!’” Elam added, pretending to be a woman, “‘I have a vagina and a whole new set of rules! Never mind what’s worked for thousands of years, because I’m female and I know how to make 9,000 people work together to build a bridge across two miles of river!’”

So it is at this point I would like to remind these two men that when the Republican men shut down the government in 2013 and cost the American taxpayers $24 billion dollars, it was the women of Congress – both Republican and Democrat – whose leadership ended the shutdown.

Additionally, many women throughout history have made remarkable contributions to science and technology.  Here are a few more notable examples:

Actress Hedy Lamar was a pioneer in wireless communication: “Lamarr and her partner George Anthiel received a patent in 1941, but the enormous significance of their invention was not realized until decades later. It was first implemented on naval ships during the Cuban Missile Crisis and subsequently emerged in numerous military applications. But most importantly, the “spread spectrum” technology that Lamarr helped to invent would galvanize the digital communications boom, forming the technical backbone that makes cellular phones, fax machines and other wireless operations possible.”

And let’s not forget Marie Curie A.K.A. Madame Curie, “Marie Curie made history in 1903 when she became the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in physics. She won the prestigious honor along with her husband and Henri Becquerel, for their work on radioactivity.”

Last but certainly not least, Rosalind Franklin “played a key role in unearthing the molecular structure of DNA — for which famed [male] scientists Watson and Crick largely received all credit for.”

H/T to Eric Dolan for the video clip:









Kimberley Johnson
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