Bill Maher Receives Boos on Letterman Show for Telling George Zimmerman Jokes (VIDEO)

Bill Maher Receives Boos on Letterman Show for Telling George Zimmerman Jokes (VIDEO)

Comedian Bill Maher  received two rounds of boos from David Letterman’s audience on Tuesday  after he told a couple of jokes mocking George Zimmerman in the wake of his  acquittal for the shooting death of black teenager Trayvon Martin. Maher was in New York City to watch the Major  League Baseball All-Star Game and when Letterman mentioned that Maher was one […]

Eric Holder Takes Aim at Stand Your Ground Laws (VIDEOS)

Eric Holder Takes Aim at Stand Your Ground Laws (VIDEOS)

On Tuesday Attorney General Eric Holder took issue with the so-called ‘Stand Your Ground’-type of laws during a speech at the NAACP Annual Convention in Orlando. Meanwhile, demonstrations over the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial continued, with one protest in Los Angeles turning violent on Monday night. NBC’s Ron Mott reports. Visit for […]