Bionic Hand? There’s an App for That

Double-amputee Jason Koger used to fly hundreds of miles to visit a prosthetist when he wanted to adjust the grips on his bionic hands. Now, there’s an app for that.
Double-amputee Jason Koger used to fly hundreds of miles to visit a prosthetist when he wanted to adjust the grips on his bionic hands. Now, there’s an app for that.
A ‘Gun Lobby’ commercial reassuring all Americans that 2nd Amendment Gun Rights will not be taken away by the government. Help Support their efforts to keep guns in the hands of those who want them. No questions asked. The current background check ‘loopholes’ create a very dangerous environment, where anyone can easily bypass the system […]
HUSTLER founder and publisher Larry Flynt announces his endorsement of Republican candidate Mark Sanford for US Congress against Stephen Colbert’s sister because “no one has done more to expose the sexual hypocrisy of traditional values in America today.” Flynt went on to note that: “Sanford’s open embrace of his mistress in the name of love, […]
Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer has a signed a bill into law that prohibits the destruction of guns obtained through state buy-back programs. Under this new bill, effective this summer, it will be against the law for Arizona cities, towns and law enforcement agencies to destroy any firearms the receive through voluntary programs or any […]
YouTube user Omar von Muller has a long-history of training exceptional dogs and is best known for training “Uggie” from the Academy Award winning film, “The Artist.” He has some amazing videos on his YouTube Channel, 2 of which we have posted below. The first video features an unnamed dog performing tricks at a […]