Watch My Amazing Cat Playing Fetch – Video

Watch My Amazing Cat Playing Fetch – Video

My one-year-old kitten has taught herself to play fetch. Check out her amazing video. Last February I adopted two three month old kittens from a local animal shelter. Their mother was a street cat and the night before she gave birth locals brought her to the shelter where she gave birth to the twins. I […]

Meet The Heroic Teen Shot 5 Times Shielding Other Students In A Parkland Classroom

Meet The Heroic Teen Shot 5 Times Shielding Other Students In A Parkland Classroom

15-year-old Anthony Borges is being hailed as the hero of the Florida shooting. Newsweek reported that: “A 15-year-old student, who was shot five times as he attempted to shield his classmates from a gunman during the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida has been hailed as a hero.” Anthony Borges barricaded the door to a classroom at […]

New Low! Viral Videos Blame Victim & ‘Snowflake Culture’ For Florida School Shooting – Video

New Low! Viral Videos Blame Victim & ‘Snowflake Culture’ For Florida School Shooting – Video

Viral video blames Florida students for their own school shooting, and Fox News host Tomi Lahren claims the answer to mass shootings is MORE prayer, not gun control. The February 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in which 17 were killed and an additional 15 were sent to area hospitals weighs heavy […]

The Stark Difference Between Obama And Trump In Two Photographs

The Stark Difference Between Obama And Trump In Two Photographs

Words cannot adequately explain the difference between President Obama and Trump. Two different presidents, two different school shootings, two very different reactions. On December 14, 2012, the unthinkable happened when a lone gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, fatally shot 20 children between the ages of six and seven-years-old, and took the life of six adult staff members at […]

Trump Rage-Tweets, Challenges ‘Insecure And Biased’ Oprah To Run Against Him For President

Trump Rage-Tweets, Challenges ‘Insecure And Biased’ Oprah To Run Against Him For President

Enraged, Trump throws another Twitter-tantrum after watching Oprah’s “60 Minutes” episode. Trump just came off of one of the worst weeks in his presidency: 17 people were killed at another school shooting, and Robert Mueller’s team handed down 13 indictments against Russians for interfering in the elections. To celebrate, Trump watched Oprah’s Sunday appearance on […]

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