By Samuel Warde on
Fanatics, Humor, LGBT Issues, marriage equality, Mrs Betty Bowers, Religious Fanaticism, Videos
Activism, gay marriage, gay rights, Humor, LGBT Issues, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Videos

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, is at it again – this time taking on Christian Extremist Becky Wegner Rommel. A couple of days ago, “Queerty was the first to report on the 64-year-old Indiana housewife’s recorded meltdown over marriage equality. It included tears, screaming, yelling, crying for Jesus, and jabs at gays, gay-loving Christians, Muslims, women who […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Equal Rights Amendment, equality, LGBTQ, Phyllis Schlafly
Activism, Civil Rights, gay marriage, gay rights, Women's Issues

Rainbows decorated the nation when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Marriage Equality. It was certainly an overdue victory for the LGBTQ community, however half of the gay population is still held back because the United States doesn’t have an Equal Rights Amendment. Via ERA Action: “The ruling was momentous and long overdue. We […]
By Samuel Warde on
gun control, Human Interest, Peace, Pope Francis, Weapons Manufacture
Activism, Gun Control, Human Interest, Religion

Pope Francis told a crowd that anyone who manufactures weapons or invests in weapons industries is a hypocrite for advocating peace while manufacturing and selling arms. The Pope issued the condemnation, his toughest to date, while speaking before a group of thousands of young people in the Italian city of Turin on Sunday. Setting aside […]
By Samuel Warde on
Animals, Cat Library, Cats, Kittens, Pets, Videos, Work Programs
Activism, Animals, Human Interest, Videos

In Las Cruces, New Mexico, there’s a library with no books, but a great story; a library with nothing to read, but that you have to check out; a library for people who just want to take a few minutes to sit down and get lost — in a good kitten. Office receptionist Becky Garcia […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bobby Jindal, John Fugelsang, LGBT Issues, religious freedom, Religious Freedom Laws, The Ed Show, Videos
Activism, Interviews, LGBT Issues, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, Videos

John Fugelsang destroyed Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) in an epic smackdown on Friday’s edition of The Ed Show, while discussing Louisiana’s pending Religious Freedom law. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, who was subbing for Ed Schultz, began by discussing the controversy surrounding a recent New York Times op-ed piece by the right-wing governor. At issue, were […]