By Samuel Warde on
2016 Election Tampering, Allegations Russians Changes Votes 2016 Presidential election, Seth Abramson, Was the 2016 Election Valid
Constitutional Crisis, Elections, Seth Abramson

Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson reports that there is every reason to believe that Trump is not actually president. Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney, Seth Abramson, has been publishing extensive Twitter threads and mega-threads regarding the ongoing investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia since autumn […]
By Samuel Warde on
constitutional crisis, Constitutional Emergency, Obstruction of Justice, Seth Abramson Explains, Surviving a Constitutional Crisis, Treason
Abuse of Power, Constitutional Crisis, Corruption, Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Seth Abramson

Trump is aggressively moving against Robert Mueller and his investigation. Seth Abramson explains how America can survive a constitutional crisis of this magnitude. Trump appears to have become emboldened by his recent visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin; and, if the events since then are any indication, is taking the country closer to a constitutional […]
By Samuel Warde on
America's National Embarrassment, death of democracy in America, Has the White House been compromised?, Intelligence Tampering, National Embarrassment, Treason, Vladimir Putin, White House treason
Abuse of Power, Constitutional Crisis, Controversy, Foreign Policy, Russia, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Treason

It took Trump less than 5 hours to resume bragging about his meeting with Putin after his lame attempt to explain his treasonous remarks in Helsinki. Trump resumed defending his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin within hours of attempting to walk back his remarks in Helsinki. CNN reported that: “Trump had one clear mission […]
By Samuel Warde on
America's European Allies, Betrayel, blackmail, Corruption in the White House, International Intrigue, Russian Assets in America Today, Russian Assets in the White House, Russian Collusion, Russian Spy Games, Soviet Puppet, Spy Games, Treason, Western European Intelligence
Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Crisis, Corruption, Russia, Russian Scandal, Treason

New York Magazine dropped a major bomb with the publication of an article making the case that Trump has been acting as a Russian asset since 1987. At nearly 8000 words, the New York Magazine article is far too long to cover here, but we will cover a few highlights and would strongly encourage you to […]
By Samuel Warde on
Absolute Dominion, absolute power corrupts absolutely, Impeachment, Showmanship and Buffoonery, Subverting the Rule of Law, Supreme Power, Tribalism in America Today, White House Authority, White House declares imperium
Abuse of Power, American Democracy At Risk, American Tyrant, Class Warfare, Constitutional Crisis

“Don’t be distracted by Trump’s showmanship and buffoonery. Look instead at the essence of what he is trying to do: Save himself from possible impeachment by subverting the rule of law and enhancing tribalism at the expense of citizenship.” ~ The Washington Post In a stunning revelation, The New York Times published a letter from […]