Debunking Right Wing Lies

Right-Wing Hysteria – Debunking Republican Lies Regarding Gun Violence

Right-Wing Hysteria – Debunking Republican Lies Regarding Gun Violence

“Barack Obama visiting victims of 2012 Aurora shooting” by Pete Souza – White House Flickr Account. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons. Right-wing hysteria rules the day despite that there are actual facts surrounding domestic gun violence as opposed to terrorism. Many racist conservatives are pushing to close America’s borders and mosques, create a national […]

Right Wing Bigotry And Faux Hysteria Regarding Paris Is All Based On Lies

Right Wing Bigotry And Faux Hysteria Regarding Paris Is All Based On Lies

Right wing bigotry calling for persecution of Syrian refugees proven to be based on lies. Top European Union officials as well as CIA officials are contradicting claims that the Paris attacks were linked to Syrian refugees – nevertheless right wing bigots call for their persecution. Conservative politicians in the United States of American are calling […]

Republicans: If Their Lips Are Moving – They’re Probably Lying

Republicans: If Their Lips Are Moving – They’re Probably Lying

For a bunch of self-professed Christians, the GOP presidential candidates are a bunch of liars. As Patheos contributor and former pastor Benjamin Dixon recently pointed out in an article entitled “For These Politicians To Be Christian They Sure Do A Lot Of Lying,”We all accept the idea that politicians lie to get in office. This […]

Conservative Website Blasts Ben Carson For His ‘Willful Ignorance’

Conservative Website Blasts Ben Carson For His ‘Willful Ignorance’

Another epic failure by Ben Carson as he gets slammed by Forbes for his deliberate ignorance and decades-long practice of telling lies. Noted conservative website, Forbes, blasted Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson for lying for decades about the creation of the ancient Egyptian pyramids after he affirmed his 1998 statement that he believes the Egyptian […]

Ted Cruz Whimpers, Lies, Plays The Victim (Video)

Ted Cruz Whimpers, Lies, Plays The Victim (Video)

Texas Senator and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz was in not so rare form, lashing out at CNBC hosts in an effort to avoid tough questions during last night’s Republican debate. Through a combination of bullying and sleight of hand, Cruz was able to deftly avoid answering questions during last night’s debate, and conservatives rejoiced […]

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