By Samuel Warde on
Human Rights Campaign, Joe Biden, Joe Biden HRC Speech 2018, Joe Biden Speaks up for LGBT Rights, LGBT Equality, LGBT rights
Activism, Equal Protection, Equal Rights, Joe Biden, Smackdowns, Speeches

Joe Biden gave rousing remarks during a Saturday speech, talking about the importance of the upcoming midterm elections and speaking out against Trump’s use of power. Former Vice President Joe Biden wasn’t holding anything back Saturday during a speech at the 22nd Annual Human Rights Campaign National Dinner held in Washington D.C. Biden covered an […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Emmanuel Macron, Emmanuel Macron Praises Science, free trade, French President Congressional Speech, Inequality, Isolationism, Nationalism, The Course of History, The Iran Deal, the Liberal World Order, US Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy, History, Smackdowns, Speeches

Emmanuel Macron offered a forceful rejection of Trumpism, excoriating “extreme nationalism” and protectionism. “You can play with anger and fear for a time,” Macron said, alluding to the themes that fuel right-wing nationalist movements in the West, “but they do not construct anything.” Emmanuel Macron repudiates Trump’s political philosophy and worldview after spending the first part of the week kissing, hugging, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Access Hollywood Tape, Campus Assault, Defending Women, It's On Us, Joe Biden, Protecting Women
Human Interest, Smackdowns, Speeches, Uncategorized, Violence against women, Women's Issues

A war of words broke out Tuesday after Joe Biden lashed out at Trump, comparing him to the “fattest, ugliest SOB in the room.” ABC News reported that Vice President Joe Biden spoke out against Trump and his history of disrespecting women at a Tuesday night anti-rally for his ‘It’s On Us’ advocacy group that […]
By Samuel Warde on
Canadian Trade Surplus, Justin Trudeau, NAFTA, North American Trade Agreement, U.S. Allies, U.S. Troops South Korea, United States Trade Representative, World Trade Organization, WTO
Economics, Foreign Policy, Foreign Trade, Speeches, Weird News

Trump is consistent if nothing else, telling the same lie over and over again about Canada. March 2018, Trump lashed out at NAFTA, the World Trade Organization, U.S. allies, global economies, threatened to pull troops out of South Korea, and boasted about lying to Justin Trudeau during a speech before a group of Republican donors. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Celebrity Roasts, Charity Events, Robert De Niro, Robert De Niro Speech, The Fulfillment Fund
Celebrity, Smackdowns, Speeches

Robert De Niro calls Donald Trump an idiot … again – This time tearing into him for living in “the Trump world of dishonesty and greed.” Legendary film actor and producer Robert De Niro spoke out against Trump while speaking at a charity fundraising event benefiting the Fulfillment Fund, an organization that helps the poor […]