By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Global Warming, Pope Francis, Pope Francis addresses Climate change at White House, Pope Francis on Climate Change, Pope Francis Urges America to Save the Planet, Videos
Climate/Nature, Environment, Religion, Speeches, Videos

Pope Francis has effectively bridged the gap between science and religion with his recent encyclical1 on the environment. As he puts it, a shift in our moral understanding is key to winning the fight against climate change. As we reported last month, the Pope’s views on the environment and climate change have been made quite […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Republicans, Sharia Law, War On Women
Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Reproductive Rights, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Uncategorized

When people – who can clearly see there’s a Republican War On Women – say there’s a Republican War On Women, Republicans (male and female) quickly point out that American women should stop whining because they have it better than Middle Eastern women. That rebuttal in and of itself is complete hogwash. Obviously, American […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, death threats, Evangelical, Pro-Life
Extremists, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Reproductive Rights

After the anti-choice organization, Center for Medical Progress (CMP), began releasing deceptively edited videos of doctors discussing the donation of aborted fetal tissue, Fox Nation posted a warning from an individual who goes by the name “Joseywhales” against the senior director of Planned Parenthood named in the CMP video: “I’ll pay ten large to whomever kills Dr. Deborah […]
By Miller Davidge III on
Activism, Opinion, Women's Equality, Women's issues
Activism, Equality, Opinion, Religion, Women's Issues
![Inequality: Men Created This And It’s Time To Fix It! Inequality: Men Created This And It’s Time To Fix It!]()
We Created This and We Have to Fix It *sigh* This is what we have done. My faith, Christianity, says that women are second class. My “programming” says that they are there to keep the home…and by extension, be mothers first and women second. Western Culture is finally breaking out of the Puritan view that […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, catholic church, Pope Francis
Religion, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

UPDATE: The Pope is visiting the United States this week, and while many are quick to dismiss his directive regarding abortion, it’s important to remember he doesn’t have the power to wave a magic Pope wand and change Catholisim all at once. The ONLY way we will see positive changes regarding equality, civil rights and […]