By Samuel Warde on
Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan Booed, Paul Ryan Defends Tax Cuts for the Rich, Republican Logic, Taxes
Republican Logic, Republicans, Taxes

Paul Ryan thinks he can unite House Republicans, yet he has a proven history of not getting along with his own constituents. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin announced Tuesday night that he would run for Speaker of the House provided his Republican colleagues meet several conditions, prompting us to take a look at his files. […]
By Samuel Warde on
jobs, Labor, Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan confronted by protesters, Republicans, unemployment, Videos
Activism, Jobs, Labor, Republican Indifference, Republicans, Videos

Paul Ryan thinks he can unite the warring Republican factions in the House, yet he can’t even handle a few angry protesters in his hometown. After a couple of weeks of prodding by House Republicans, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin announced Tuesday night that he would run for Speaker of the House provided his Republican […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Conservative Hypocrisy - Or Ignorance - On Parade, Global Warming, Mocking Republicans, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Science
Climate/Nature, Media Bias, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans

Conservatives have done it again, making another huge mistake in supporting another so-called “expert” who actually ends up hurting more than helping their cause. Conservative science-deniers are applauding from coast-to-coast at the news that a prominent theoretical physicist and contemporary of Einstein at Princeton called out conventional wisdom regarding climate change in a recent interview […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Clinton, Dennis Hastert, Dennis Hastert to plead guilty in hush money case, politics, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Hypocrite Who Led Clinton Impeachment To Plead Guilty In Hush Money Case, Republicans
Congress, Corruption, Law & Order, Republican Hypocrisy, Republicans

On December 19, 1998, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton for actions related to his extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 21-year-old unpaid White House intern. The trial of President Clinton commenced on January 7, 1999, and five weeks later, on February 12, the Senate voted to acquit […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Cruz and Gohmert fight against planned parenthood, Ted Cruz & Louie Gohmert Team Up For Another Planned Parenthood Temper Tantrum, Ted Cruz And Louie Goehmert's Latest Planned Parenthood Temper Tantrum
Healthcare, Misogyny, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his crazy Tea party colleague Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) have joined forces, and together they’ve drafted a letter (PDF) which they sent to the National Portrait Gallery demanding the Smithsonian remove a bust of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger from its “Struggle for Justice” exhibit, featuring well-known leaders of social movements. The […]