Right-Wing Myths

You Had 8 Years Obama – Where’s The FEMA Camps, Sharia Law, Suspension of the Constitution?

You Had 8 Years Obama – Where’s The FEMA Camps, Sharia Law, Suspension of the Constitution?

Obama failed to live up to conservative predictions and expectations, making him one of the greatest presidents of our time – unlike the present occupant of the Oval Office.  As the nation shakes its head in disbelief at our Tweeter-in-Chief – our national embarrassment,  it is fitting to consider the failure of former-President Barack Obama […]

6 Asinine And Insane Quotes By Louie Gohmert You Should Read

6 Asinine And Insane Quotes By Louie Gohmert You Should Read

For some inexplicable reason Tea Party favorite Louie Gohmert thinks he is qualified to be next in line, behind the vice-president, for the presidency should the unspeakable happen. This is a man who makes the likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz look intelligent, sane… Here are 6 quotes from the Tea Party […]

8 Reasons Louie Gohmert Would Be The Most Amusing House Speaker In History

8 Reasons Louie Gohmert Would Be The Most Amusing House Speaker In History

Louie Gohmert announced on Sunday that he would challenge John Boehner for the position of Speaker of the House, telling Fox and Friends “I’m putting my name out there today to be another candidate for Speaker.” Gohmert added that after “years of broken promises, it’s time for a change.” After picking myself off the floor, […]

3 Words That Destroy Conservative Opposition To Cuba

3 Words That Destroy Conservative Opposition To Cuba

  It’s as if the Red Scare has been resurrected from the  1940s and ’50s with conservative heads exploding about the new situation with Cuba. Listening to conservatives such as Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, who were melting down on Hannity last night, the brunt of their objection to normalizing relations with Cuba is that […]

Proof Republicans Are Racists When It Comes To President Obama

Proof Republicans Are Racists When It Comes To President Obama

There is no doubt that many Republicans are racist when it comes to President Obama. The president has been forced to endure racism, hatred and malicious lies and rumors like no other American president. As Timothy Egan of The New York Times reported last week in an Op/Ed piece, From the day he took office, […]