
Real Life Friend Requests (VIDEO)

Real Life Friend Requests (VIDEO)

Comedian Greg Benson decided to surprise some of his Facebook “friends” that he had never met before, using things he had learned about them from their Facebook profiles. The video was part of a planned reality TV show, but was never picked up. Nevertheless, Benson decided to release the pilot presentation on YouTube last November. […]

New IRS Commissioner Crushes Republican’s Contempt Of Congress Threat

New IRS Commissioner Crushes Republican’s Contempt Of Congress Threat

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified for hours in front of the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform on his agency’s response following allegations that it had targeted conservative groups for special scrutiny when determining tax-exempt status. Late in the hearing a clearly agitated Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) lashed out threatening Koskinen with contempt: “Let […]