By Samuel Warde on
ACLU, Discrimination, Drug Policy, Institutional Racism, marijuana, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, Videos, Whites Smoke Marijuana Blacks Get Arrested, Whites smoke pot but african americans get arrestted
Discrimination, Drug Policy, Law & Order, Marijuana, Marijuana Legalization, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, The Courts, Videos

“Whites Smoke Pot, but Blacks Are Arrested:” Data Analysis Casts the War on Drugs in a Whole New Light1 “Institutional Racism” is defined as “racism perpetrated by government entities such as schools, the courts or the military. Unlike the racism perpetrated by individuals, institutional racism has the power to negatively affect the bulk of people […]
By Samuel Warde on
Planned Parenthood, reproductive rights, Reproductive Services, Texas, Texas Demands Confidential Employee and Patient records from Planned Parenthood, Texas Officials Raid Planned Parenthood Clinics, Videos, Women's issues
Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Rights, Videos, Women's Issues

Tensions heat up as Texas escalates its war on women. State health department agents raided Planned Parenthood agencies in four Texas cities last Thursday in the latest battle over Medicaid funding for the organization. Agents from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission raided facilities in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Brownsville. The purpose of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Benghazi Hearings, Hillary Clinton, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy's Damning Admission, Videos
Congressional Hearings, Controversy, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

Trey Gowdy made a startling and damning admission to reporters questioning him after Hillary Clinton’s testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Speaking with reporters after Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s eleven-hour testimony, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was was stumped when asked what new information was gathered. “Uh,” he said. “I think some of Jimmy […]
By Samuel Warde on
Corruption, Darrell Issa, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Louis Lerner, politics, Republican Conspiracy Theory Eviscerated - Dept. Of Justice Closes Tea Party IRS Probe, Right Wing lies, Tea Party IRS Investigation, Videos
Congress, Controversy, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Scandals, Videos

Another stunning blow for Republican Conspiracy theorists as the Dept. of Justices closes its 2-year Tea Party IRS probe. The Department of Justice notified members of Congress that it is closing its two-year investigation into allegations the IRS improperly targeted the Tea Party and other conservative groups for improper scrutiny. Peter J. Kadzik, the Assistant […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Benghazi Fact Check Heard Round the World, Benghazi Reality Check, Mitt Romney Benghazi Gaff, President Obama, presidential debates, Videos
Barack Obama, Debates, Elections, Politics, Videos

Arguably, the most memorable moment of the 2012 presidential campaign centered around conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S compounds in Benghazi which claimed the lives of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA contractors, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. Responding to a question about […]