
You Won’t Believe How This Congresswoman Dodges A Benghazi Question

You Won’t Believe How This Congresswoman Dodges A Benghazi Question

  Representative Ann Kuster (D-NH) is the latest politician to be captured on camera making a huge gaffe while attempting to dodge questions about Benghazi. Gaffes of this magnitude have been known to derail campaigns and careers and Kuster became an overnight internet star after she bungled a question about Benghazi, Libya, during a question […]

Jon Stewart Shouts ‘Apartheid is Not Obamacare’

Jon Stewart Shouts ‘Apartheid is Not Obamacare’

  Newt Gingrich gets slammed on the Internet for his support of Nelson Mandela and Rick Santorum compares the Affordable Care Act to apartheid. Last Thursday, Rick Santorum stated that Nelson Mandela’s fight against apartheid was akin to the GOP’s battle against Obamacare. Stewart explained the ridiculous nature of that statement noting: “The systemic subjugation […]