By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Election 2016, Humor, Right Wing lies, Twitter Explodes With #BenCarsonWikipedia
Election 2016, Humor, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies

Twitter users mock Ben Carson’s ongoing war with reality with the #BenCarsonWikipedia hashtag. The Ben Carson Carnival of Lies is in full swing. So far, Ben Carson has: Lied about getting into West Point Allegedly attacked his mom with a hammer Tried to stab a close relative Said Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton cracks up over Ben Carson lies, Hillary Clinton starts laughing when asked about the absurdity of Ben Carson's campaign, Jimmy Kimmel, Videos
Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Humor, Interviews, Videos

Hillary Clinton starts laughing when asked about the absurdity of Ben Carson’s campaign. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton momentarily lost it, cracking up at the absurdity of some of Ben Carson‘s recent lies during an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Friday night. Carson, the Republican front-runner, has come under increased media scrutiny for his many exaggerations […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Ben Carson Lashes Out At The Press, Election 2016
Election 2016

Tensions boiled over during a Friday press conference as Ben Carson comes under increased scrutiny. Republican presidential front-runner Ben Carson lashed out at members of the press during a Friday evening press conference. As The Washington Post reported this evening: “For years, Carson has said he was offered a ‘full scholarship’ to the U.S. Military […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Conservative Website Blasts Ben Carson, Election 2016, Forbes blasts Ben Carson for pyramid lies, Right Wing Fanatics, Science Denial, Science Deniers
Arts & Sciences, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Election 2016, Religious Fanaticism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths

Another epic failure by Ben Carson as he gets slammed by Forbes for his deliberate ignorance and decades-long practice of telling lies. Noted conservative website, Forbes, blasted Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson for lying for decades about the creation of the ancient Egyptian pyramids after he affirmed his 1998 statement that he believes the Egyptian […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Ben Carson deadly lies put people at risk, Ben Carson puts profits over lives, Corporate Greed, Corruption, Election 2016, Human Interest
Crime, Election 2016, Health & Fitness, Human Interest, Medicine, Republican Indifference, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Scandals

Ben Carson’s lies and lack of critical thinking skills go beyond evolution, the Big Bang Theory, geology, and physics. In this instance, they are potentially deadly. Donald Trump’s proposed Housing Secretary has a shady past to say the very least, raising serious questions about his qualification to serve in a cabinet level position. Dr. Ben […]