By Kimberley Johnson on
"Fear" "mentally retarted" Howard Stern interview, Bigotry, Bob Woodward, Jeff Sessions, Marlee Matlin, Slander
Bigotry, Bullying, Controversy, Corruption, Criminal Conspiracy

Bob Woodward’s explosive new book on the Trump administration, “Fear,” has reportedly agitated the president. One of the allegations in the book is that Trump referred to US Attorney General Jeff Sessions as “mentally retarded.” From the Washington Post: “A near-constant subject of withering presidential attacks was Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump told [Rob] Porter […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bigotry, History repeats itself, Immigrant Rights, immigrants, Race Baiting, Racism in America today, Racist Code Words, Sanctuary Cities, Seth Abramson, Warsaw Ghetto
Bigotry, Discrimination, Racial Issues, Sanctuary Cities

“Those of us who are Jewish—and who learned about the Warsaw Ghetto at such a young age [that] it was before we’d learned about any other embattled majority-minority neighborhood—know *exactly* what Trump meant when he complained about immigrants ‘breeding.’” ~ Seth Abramson Trump is spending the week at his Mar-a-Lago retreat in Palm Beach, Florida. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bigotry, DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Racism, Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone Magazine, separation of powers
Immigration, Smackdowns

Trump’s attempt to blame what happens to DACA recipients on Congress is stunningly hypocritical, even for him. Rolling Stone has delivered an epic point-by-point take down of the infamous Koch Brothers. They have heaped praises on Barack Obama writing that: ““Obama has emerged as one of the most consequential and, yes, successful presidents in American […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Bigotry, breastfeeding in public, breastfeeding incident, controversy over public breastfeeding, feeding your baby in public, legally protected right to breastfeed, no shame in feeding your baby, nursing babies in public, Target, woman verbally assaulted with baby at Target
Bigotry, Sexism, Women's Issues

Jessie Maher was breastfeeding her one month old daughter in a Connecticut Target when a strange man began verbally assaulting her. Maher told WFSB that the unidentified man appeared angry and said, “Can’t you do that somewhere else?” He said what she was doing was disgusting. “I am feeding my baby, and I have the right to […]
By Samuel Warde on
21 Reasons Women Should Not Vote For Donald Trump, Bigotry, Discrimination, Donald Trump, Donald Trump anti-woman quotes, Election 2016, right wing hatred, Women's issues
Bigotry, Discrimination, Election 2016, Misogyny, Women's Issues

Donald Trump claims to cherish women, recently telling CNN anchor Jake Tapper that, “I cherish women. I want to help women. I’m going to do things for women that no other candidate will be able to do. And it’s very important to me.” However, as Huffington Post reports, over the years Trump “has consistently insulted, […]