By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Disfunctional Family, Dysfunctional Families, Dysfunctional marriage, Marital Abuse, Mind Control, Spousal Abuse, Spousal Neglect

Seth Abramson weighs in on stunning new allegations regarding Trump’s treatment of Melania. Former criminal investigator Seth Abramson has weighed in on a variety of issues this week regarding the Trump administration. First, there was a blanket statement about witness tampering followed up by two separate lines of discussion regarding, first, the news that Trump […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Alex Jones Sandy Hook Hoax, Apple iTunes battles hate speech, bullying, Conspiracy Theories, Facebook, Facebook Strikes back against Hate Speech, hate speech, InfoWars, InfoWars shut down by social media giants, iTunes, Online Bullying, Online Hate Speech, Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories, Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, Sandy Hook families, Spotify, Spotify combats hate speech
Bullying, Extremists, Law & Order, Right Wing Fanatics, Weird News

His empire collapsing with the prospect of losing a lawsuit, Alex Jones’ legal team appears willing to go to despicable lengths to deny his accusers their day in court. As an independent journalist, I have covered a variety of topics and individuals over the years, but I have never felt my stomach turned by a […]
By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Discrimination, Racism, Racism in America today, Road Rage
Bigotry, Bullying, Discrimination, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

“This is my country!” California driver launches a racist tirade against a U.S. veteran. The Mercury News reported late last week that “A woman went into a racist tirade against a Korean-American Air Force veteran during a road rage incident captured on video, calling the man an ‘ugly Chinese.’” James Ahn, a Fremont resident from Seoul, […]
By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Corporate Greed, Corruption, Gas Company Political Donations, Gas Industry Political Bribes, Oil Company Political Donations, Oil gas donations, Oil Industry Bribes Politicians, West Virginia House Of Delegates
Activism, Bullying, Controversy, Corporate Greed, Corruption, Weird News

A woman was dragged from the floor of the West Virginia House after she began reading a list of their names and how much money they have received in donations from oil and gas companies. Common Dreams reported over the weekend that lawmakers in West Virginia dragged House of Delegates candidate Lissa Lucas from the house […]
By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Chelsea Clinton, Chelsea Clinton Donald Trump Twitter Battle, Chelsea Clinton Spars With Trump, Trump Twitter Tantrums, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrums
Activism, Smackdowns, Social Media, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum

Chelsea Clinton more than holds her own when sparring with Trump. There have been rumors that Chelsea might be entering the political arena as a candidate for office some time soon, but in the mean time – she has all the right stuff when it comes to taunting the current occupant of the White House. […]