By Samuel Warde on
Big Business, Corruption, politics, Social Justice
Corruption, Economics, Politics, Social Justice, Videos

A recent study by Princeton University shows that American democracy is under attack by rich people and corporate interests that have an ever increasingly powerful grip on U.S. government policy, that public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law. The study, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, was published […]
By Samuel Warde on
Citizens United, Corruption, Elizabeth Warren, politics, Washington Corruption
Corruption, Interviews, Politics, Videos

Last Thursday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) appeared on The Daily Show and talked with Jon Stewart about the ongoing problem of corruption in Washington, D.C. noting that the system works “”to make sure that the tender fannies of the rich and the powerful are always carefully protected.” Warren went on to detail what Vox called […]
By Samuel Warde on
Corruption, Iran, Scandals, Tom Cotton
Corruption, Republican Logic, Republicans, Scandals

Meet freshman Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) the now infamous alleged author of the Republican open-letter to Iran. As Huffington Post reported back in January, Cotton proved to be “one of the most hardline foreign policy hawks” in the Senate less than a month into his first term as U.S. senator. During an appearance on CNN, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Corruption, politics, Scandals, Sheldon Silver, Videos
Corruption, Law & Order, Politics, Scandals, Videos

The New York Times and other sources are reporting that Sheldon Silver, the powerful speaker of the New York Assembly for the past 20 years, has been arrested on federal corruption charges, “sending shock waves through the political establishment and upending the new legislative session.” According to The New York Times, Silver, a Democrat, surrendered […]
By Samuel Warde on
Corruption, True Crime, Videos
Law & Order, Videos

Robert Kerns, the former chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Committee in Pennsylvania, pleaded no-contest to a misdemeanor count of indecent assault after being charged with rape and related charges in April. The charges stem from an alleged incident from last year, leading to Kern’s initial arrest onĀ 19 counts, including rape and drug charges. As […]