
Up In Smoke: Obama Thoroughly Destroys Republican Budget Proposal – VIDEO

Up In Smoke: Obama Thoroughly Destroys Republican Budget Proposal – VIDEO

President Obama thoroughly destroyed the latest Republican budget proposal during a speech on Wednesday while speaking in Ohio at the City Club of Cleveland. You can watch the segment of the president’s speech, below, followed by a transcript of the relevant portion. TRANSCRIPT: Now, a good place to start down a stronger path involves America’s […]

Obama Delivers Multiple Knockout Blows To Republicans, Takes Victory Lap On The Economy – VIDEO

Obama Delivers Multiple Knockout Blows To Republicans, Takes Victory Lap On The Economy – VIDEO

President Obama took a “well-deserved victory lap” on Wednesday while speaking in Ohio at the City Club of Cleveland. As John Cassidy of The New Yorker wrote, “let’s be up front about this, he sounded a little cocky. … He had some fun at the expense of his Republican critics and their alarmist predictions about […]

Women Are Winning The CEO Battle Of The Sexes – VIDEO

Women Are Winning The CEO Battle Of The Sexes – VIDEO

In the CEO battle of the sexes, women are the clear-cut winners. NBC News reports that a new analysis by Bespoke Investment Group shows that the “few women” who are running S&P 500 companies are “easily outperforming their male counterparts.” According to the report by NBC News, Checking performance of women as a group showed […]

There Is No Third Party

There Is No Third Party

If one takes the time to study the official platform of the Libertarian Party, it becomes abundantly clear that at their core – Libertarians are not a third party. Rather, they represent the core economic values of the traditional Republican Party coupled with support for many core social values of the Democratic Party, borne from […]